Projects and Working Groups

Projects and Working Groups

Organisational Development carries out various change and optimisation projects on behalf of the Executive Board. In doing so, it acts partly as the responsible project management and partly as an internal process support unit (consulting). In addition, Organisational Development is involved in various working groups within TU Braunschweig, in the state of Lower Saxony and nationwide.


Working Groups:

Within TU Braunschweig

  • Arbeitskreis Netzwerk Gesundheit [Working Group Health Network]

Outside TU Braunschweig

  • Hochschulnetz Prozesse  [nationwide university network for process management]
  • „Regionalgruppe Niedersachsen des Hochschulnetz Prozesse“ — [Lower Saxony-wide university network for process management]
  • Netzwerk Qualitätsmanagement an Hochschulen [network quality management at universities]