Meet us!

Our offers for international students are organised by many different actors. Some are student groups, others are initiatives and institutions of the university. What they all have in common is the ambition to make your time in Braunschweig a positive and valuable experience.

International Student Support

The International Student Support team is based in the International House and supports you throughout your studies. Starting with your initial orientation at TU Braunschweig through to the successful graduation at the end of your studies. Our tasks include, for example, the conception and organisation of the Welcome Week at the start of the semester and the semester programme during the lecture period. We organise excursions, workshops and information events and also advise you on the topics of financing your studies and finding accommodation and provide support with social issues.

In close cooperation with the facilities in the International House, the entire university and student initiatives and representatives, we are constantly developing and expanding our services for international students.

Portrait of Anja Cziommer
Anja Cziommer, Coordinator International Student Support
Portrait Andrea Arrezola Tirado
Andrea Arrezola Tirado, Initial advising for international students

These organisations support us:

Teams of the International House

Facilities / Programmes at TU Braunschweig

Student representatives and initiatives