Future Lab Water


As a fundamental basis for existence as well as an irreplaceable material for many natural and technical production processes, water is an elementary resource. As in many other industries, the need for application-oriented digital innovations has increased significantly in the water industry. These need to be researched, developed and transferred into practice. The guiding vision of the Future Lab Water (Zukunftslabor Wasser - ZLW) as a new element in the Zentrum für digitale Innovation Niedersachsen (ZDIN) is:

Water resources management, water management and the landscape space of water have an elementary supply function and provide indispensable ecosystem services for our society. Climate change and the inherently heterogeneous and distributed structures of water management call for digitization in water management in order to ensure the security of supply and quality of the resource water in the future and to significantly improve the handling of extreme situations. As a result, there is an acute need for intelligent systems and digital solutions along all levels of digitization maturity in this area.

Project websites of the Institute of Computergraphics and the Zentrum für digitale Innovationen Niedersachsen (german).

Contact: Jannis Malte Möller, Prof. Dr. Martin Eisemann


MWK Niedersachsen, Project No. ZN3994


2022 - 2027