Reserach in the field of Acoustics is of high importance for the Core Research Areas of TU the Braunschweig, i.e. Future City and Mobility. The potentially harmful influence on health of noise is proven. Noise thus can be seen as one of the central contemporary environmental problems. It is present especially in metropolitan areas and is aggravated further by the proceeding urbanization.
These challenging research questions are determined by a high degree of complexity. This complexity requires interdisciplinary cooperation. The Research Centres of TU Braunschweig povide a sound basis of interdisciplinary research on challenging future topics. As a member of the Aeronautics Research Centre Niedersachsen NFL we provide our competencies in acoustics, especially in fundamental research programs such as the Collaborative Research Center SFB 880, dealing with efficient and low-noise high lift of future civil aircraft. Further, we work within the Cluster of Excellence SE²A, dealing with sustainable and energy efficient aviation. As a member of the Automotive Reserach Centre Niedersachsen NFF and in the context of the Open Hybrid Lab Factory OHLF we work on application-oriented research questions in the field of noise reduction measures on ground-bound vehicle systems. As a co-founder we furthermore are member of the MUSEN-Centre, the center for Mechanics, Uncertainties and Simulation in Engineering.
Beyond the Core Reserach Centres of TU Braunschweig we maintain a close cooperation with other acousticians in the Braunschweig region. An intense and long grown cooperation is established with the acoustics department of the Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). In the framework of the NAGA (Niedersächsischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Akustik, Acoustics workgroup of Lower Saxony) we work with partners from LU Hannover and TU Clausthal on common goals.