The event aims to provide an understanding of basic methods and tools to support the construction process that can be applied to different problems. The event first shows the characteristics of different development processes and raises awareness for the use and selection of methods and tools for methodical construction work. Based on the basic activities of methodical work, methods and aids are presented for the various phases of the construction process.
The students can analyze existing products concerning customer orientation, reliability, costs and variety and to develop measures for optimization. They can explain complex methods for developing to generate innovative solution concepts. The students can place their activities in the context of the entire product development process.
More information for the procedure can be found on the StudIP event website.
The event takes place in the summer semester.
The lecture teaches the use of complex methods to support product development in a business environment. The focus of the introduced methods is the cost-effective, variant-appropriate, and quality-appropriate development of technical systems. In addition, complex methods for developing and evaluating solutions are taught. The use of the various methods is conveyed regarding the development process of a product, but the students also learn operational relationships and their influence on the use and implementation of methods.
In the tutorial accompanying the lecture, selected topics are deepened using concrete examples. Teamwork in the processing of exercises and direct dialogue with the lecture supervisor should contribute to sustainable learning success.
In the additionally verifiable laboratory, in-depth methods of system development are practically applied using the example of the structure and function of an e-cargo bike as well as the mapping of requirements, functions, and system structures with the help of diagrams of the modeling techniques SysML.
The students will learn the necessary methods in self-study according to the principles of the inverted classroom and apply them in group work. The number of participants in the laboratory is limited to 25. If there are more applicants than places, the lottery procedure applies. The registration of the laboratory takes place via the StudIP. Registration is binding from the time of the draw.
If not discussed differently in the lecture, all documents will be provided for download on StudIP. The video recordings for the lecture (and tutorial) will be provided on StudIP, if available.
Please discuss regular office hours with your supervisor directly.
Type: exam
Time: 90 min
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Information for Freshman
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0