Girl's Day 2024 at the IGEP

On 25.04.2024, 16 schoolgirls from Braunschweig and the surrounding area visited the IGEP. Divided into two groups, grades 5-7 and 8-9 were then supervised at three stations by IGEP employees. Dr. Oriel Humes, assisted by Larissa Hallebach and Matthis Söding, looked at Hubble Space Telescope images of various nebulae and formations such as the 'Pillars of Creation' together with the schoolgirls. Johanna Bürger had set up several stations about the Earth's moon in the space bar, which the students used to get an idea of our satellite and an overview of our solar system. One highlight was the experience of flying over the surface of the moon using VR glasses. Finally, Noria Brecher and the CoPhyLab team showed the students in the CoPhyLab how IGEP researchers are trying to understand the activity of comets. The focus was on experiments with liquid nitrogen and observing what happens when the "IGEP special snow" is irradiated with an artificial sun. It was an eventful morning with a variety of insights into planetary physics and space research!