Yucatan / Mexico

Yucatan / Mexico

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Paleoclimate and paleoecology of the northern lowland Neotropics: Limnological survey of modern aquatic environments and paleoclimate reconstructions from fossil species assemblages recovered by the Lago Petén Itzá Scientific Drilling

Results from a 85 ka old sediment sequence from Lake Petén Itzá, Gutemala, show extreme cooling of the Neotropics of up to 10°C during Heinrich Events (Hodell et al., 2012) and suggest high climate sensitivity for the older sediment sections of about 200 ka. It is proposed to analyze the consequences of abrupt climate change on the stability of aquatic ecosystems over time and consequently the paleobiogeography of the Peninsula Yucatán by using ostracodes as model bioindicators interlinking three major research topics. A (1) quantitative assessment of lake level changes during the past 200 ka is targeted by expanding an existing trainingset of recent ostracodes and refining transfer functions for water depth and conductivity. (2) Fossil ostracode assemblages will be used to reconstruct the ultrastructure of Late Pleistocene climate extremes and their effects on aquatic diversity of Lake Petén Itzá, and (3) to assess biogeography, phylogeography and phylogeny of freshwater ostracodes as model organisms by integrative taxonomy using morphology and molecular tools. In order to initiate research efforts on Lake Petén Itzá sediments extending beyond 85 ka a core sampling party for the Petén Itzá Scientific Drilling Project at LacCore, University of Minnesota, is proposed. This will also further strengthen the collaboration with Central America and prepare for future ICDP-drilling in Lake Junin (Peru) and planned work on Lake Chalco (Mexico Basin).

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