Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication

The "IGeo" represents an interface between basic and applied research. We are interested in natural climate variability as well as climate and human impact on aquatic ecosystems in both urban and remote, near-natural regions.

Our core areas in research and teaching are based on geoscientific, limnological, ecological and sediment-geological methods, GIS-based landscape reconstructions, and bioindication, the analysis and application of organisms as environmental and climate indicators. We use sediments as environmental archives for long-term monitoring of aquatic ecosystem dynamics.

We train our students in geo-ecosystem understanding so that they are well prepared to assess interdependencies and feedbacks within and outside the geo-ecosystem. Students are qualified for employments in the fields of landscape management, water quality assessment, conservation, (paleo-) climate research and able to develop concepts for environmental protection, especially under the aspects of future climate development and landuse, or to collaborate in international and interdisciplinary research programs.


Die Umweltnaturwissenschaften stellen sich vor.


December 16th, 2024 "Professor Antje Schwalb re-elected to the Lower Saxony State Prize Jury" - Note Blog from the magazine of the TU Braunschweig (link)


Decebmer 5th, 2024 "Braunschweig researchers investigate highly toxic legacy in permafrost" - Magazine of the TU Braunschweig (link)


September 24th, 2024 “Doctoral Adventure: 400,000 Years of Climate Change” - Dr. des. Rodrigo Martínez-Abarca on his Research in Central America - Magazine of the TU Braunschweig (Link)

left to right: Britta Sülzbrück, Kathrin Marx, Rodrigo Martinez-Abarca, Petra Steffen, Dr. Anja Schwarz, Deepak Chinnaswamy, Siran Liang, Dr. Katrin Naumann, Dr. Paula Echeverria Galindo, Thupten Wodzer, Dr. Katharina Dulias, Dr. Nicole Börner, Sonja Rigterink, Prof. Dr. Antje Schwalb, Mauricio Bonilla Flores