Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2025, June). “However I judge it – I think it’s a gut feeling”: Examining (Un)trustworthiness Cues in YouTube Videos by Real and Feigned Experts [Accepted presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Denver, USA.
Banse, L., Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2025, June). “My official title is science communicator, in reality I just do marketing”: Localization of communication functions in the professional role identities of full-time communicators in research organizations in centralized vs. decentralized structures [Accepted presentation]. 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Denver, USA.
Biermann, K. & Taddicken, M. (2025, May 27-29). Public’s role perceptions of scientific experts on social media [Individual Talk/Presentation]. Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2024, September). “They should make it apolitical”: Public’s role perceptions of scientific experts on social media [Presentation]. 10th European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Biermann, K., & Banse, L. (2024, September 12). Die Rolle von Hochschulkommunikator*innen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft: Herausforderungen und Perspektiven [Presentation]. WissKomm Connected Conference of the Transfer Unit Science Communication, Berlin, Germany.
Peters, N., Jonas, E., & Biermann, K. (2024, September 12). Skepsis, Misstrauen, Leugnung – Wie die Forschung negative Einstellungen gegenüber Wissenschaft definiert und wie die Wissenschaftskommunikation ihr begegnen kann [Presentation]. WissKomm Connected Conference of the Transfer Unit Science Communication, Berlin, Germany.
Banse, L., Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2024, June 7). Centralized vs. Decentralized Science Communication in Universities: Differences in the Professional Role Identities of University Communicators in Various Organizational Contexts [Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Zurich, Switzerland.
Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2024, June 6). “However I judge it, I think it‘s a gut feeling”: Examining (Un)trustworthiness Cues in YouTube Videos by Real and Feigned Experts [Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Science Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), Zurich, Switzerland.
Biermann, K., Banse, L., & Taddicken, M. (2024, March 15). „Motivieren, begeistern, fröhliche Gesichter, leuchtende Augen“: Die Rolle von Public Engagement in der Wissenschaftskommunikation deutscher Hochschulkommunikator*innen [Presentation]. 69th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK). Erfurt, Germany.
Biermann, K., Braun, L., Nowak, B., Taddicken, M., Krämer, N., & Steiglitz, S. (2023, May 29). Evidence sells? Combining manual and automated coding to analyze evidence-based communication on social media [Presentation]. 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2023, May 28). Scientists’ role performance in intermingling online public arenas during the COVID-19 pandemic [Presentation]. 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.
Peters, N., Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2023, April 5). "You can do better than that!"- Climate and Covid-19 Experts Addressing Politics on Twitter [Presentation]. Public Communiation of Science and Technology (PCST), Rotterdam, Netherlands, virtual.
- Biermann, K., & Taddicken, M. (2022, September 28). Changing roles: Scientists’ role performance on Twitter during the Covid-19 pandemic [Presentation]. Scientific Expertise, Communication and Trust (SECAT) Conference, virtual.
- Podschuweit, N., Biermann, K., Struck, F., & Wiedicke, A. (2017, July 15-17). Measuring interpersonal political communication: Methodological and ethical challenges [Presentation]. 70th Annual Conference WAPOR “Public Opinion and Policy-making”, Lisbon, Portugal.