On this page you will find a selection of current publications on the subject of XR from the INTERXR project consortium.
Bodensiek O., Sonntag D., Wendorff N., Albuquerque G. & Magnor M. (2019). Augmenting the fine beam tube: From hybrid measurements to magnetic field visualization. The Physics Teacher 57 (4), 262-263. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1119/1.5095388
Baghdadi, A., Salehi Amiri, F., Jantzen, C., Hack, N., & Kloft, H. (2024). Integration of Augmented Reality for Enhanced Visualization and Analysis in Bridge Engineering, Towards Real-Time Optimization in Structural and Architectural Design. Proceedings of the IASS 2024 Symposium. Redefining the Art of Structural Design.
Carlow V. M., Gräser Y, Hagedorn A, et al. (2022) Move in the City – Ansätze datengetriebener Analyse von Stadträumen und die Umkehr des Assistenz-Gedankens in partizipativer Stadtentwicklung. In: Luthe E-W, Müller SV and Schiering I (eds) Assistive Technologien im Sozial- und Gesundheitssektor. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, pp.821-842.
Filter, E., Eckes, A., Fiebelkorn, F., & Büssing, A. G. (2020). Virtual Reality Nature Experiences Involving Wolves on YouTube: Presence, Emotions, and Attitudes in Immersive and Nonimmersive Settings. Sustainability, 12(9), 3823. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093823
Groth, C., Scholz, T., Castillo, S., Tauscher, J. P., & Magnor, M. (2023). Instant Hand Redirection in Virtual Reality Through Electrical Muscle Stimulation-Triggered Eye Blinks. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (pp. 1-11).
Groth, C., Tauscher, J. P., Heesen, N., Hattenbach, M., Castillo, S., & Magnor, M. (2022).
Omnidirectional galvanic vestibular stimulation in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(5), 2234-2244.
Hack, N., Xiao, Y., Jantzen, C., Tesche, J., Mawas, K., Gerke, M., & D'Acunto, P. (2024). Design and Fabrication of Structures with Graphic Statics and Augmented Reality. Proceedings of the IASS 2024 Symposium Redefining the Art of Structual Design.
Heuser, S. (2020): Corona und danach. Bildungsethische Perspektiven auf die Digitalisierung des Schulunterrichts. Braunschweiger Beiträge zur Religionspädagogik 160/161, 3-10.
Kockord, R. & Bodensiek, O. (2021). Cognitive Load during First Contact with Mixed Reality Learning Environments. Mensch und Computer 2021 (MuC '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 260–264. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3473856.3474003
Kockord, R., Wiersig, N., & Bodensiek, O. (2025). Lernförderlichkeit von Mixed Reality als innovative Bildungstechnologie in der Hochschullehre. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 20(1).
Li, Y., Wilke, C., Shiyanov, I., & Muschalla, B. (2024). Virtual Reality activity comes along with improved activity level and consistent wellbeing in seniors living in nursing homes: a longitudinal study in naturalistic setting JMIR Serious Games, accepted for publication.
Mierwald, M. & Brauch, N. (2020). Die Lernwirksamkeit von Medien prüfen: Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten von Medienvergleichsstudien in der Domäne Geschichte. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 11 (1), S. 41-64. https://elibrary.utb.de/doi/abs/10.46499/1601.1140
Sonntag, D. & Bodensiek, O. (2022): How mixed reality shifts visual attention and success in experimental problem solving. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 023101. DOI: