On this page you will find various information on the project Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Extended Realities in Education (INTERXR). The project is being carried out by various participating institutes at the Technische Universität Braunschweig and is coordinated by the Institute for Science Education.
Technological progress has led to the emergence of a new market for various innovative extended realities (XR) technologies, which have brought with them both unresolved challenges and promising opportunities in educational contexts. This concerns, for example, the need for new devices and methods for different educational settings. While augmented reality (AR) displays digital elements on real realities and virtual reality (VR) describes completely digital environments, these technologies require a different approach to development, application and evaluation in education.
2nd workshop of the project, at which the overall framework of the project and the sub-projects are further elaborated
Further information on the project process can be found on the About the Project page.
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