Who am I?
I am also called the palm tree of the north. Rightly so! My fiederschnittigen leaves stand on a shoot axis over 50 cm high and are strongly curled. I am a very healthy leafy vegetable that is in season from November. My co(h)llegs are also quite healthy, but nutritionally I am quite interesting because I am not only high in vitamin C (about 100 mg per 100 g), but also an excellent source of vitamin K1 (about 800 µg per 100 g) and β-carotene (about 5 mg per 100 g). So: make something delicious out of me! Especially when it gets cold and frosty, my excellent taste unfolds. The people of Oldenburg know this, too, and celebrate me every year with their cabbage tours. They even call themselves the cabbage tour capital! But that's not all: A very special project at the University of Oldenburg is researching the many varieties of me.
Every year in autumn it becomes colorful - the trees shine in the most beautiful colors! But November days can also be quite gray... That's why we thought this month to collect a few ideas for you to brighten up the gray days. And all around our favorite color GREEN. The GREEN cabbage we have already presented to you. Also alwaysGREEN plants have a special function at this time of year for many of us - for example, as mourning ornaments and of course as Advent wreaths.
Here you will find ideas on how to make yourself comfortable on gray November days and prepare so slowly for the Advent season. In addition, you will find tips for reading about conifers.