(GAP 4 code), computation of equations related to isomorphisms between p-adic completions of finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent groups, with Bettina Eick
pTree (a GAP 4 package), computation and visualization of subtrees of the coclass trees of p-groups of maximal class
HallPoly (a GAP 4 package), computation of parameterized multiplication and powering polynomials for finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent groups, with Bettina Eick
Research interest
(computational) group theory, esp. nilpotent groups
symbolic computation
Teaching assistance
Summer 2023: Seminar (Cryptography and Coding theory)
Winter 2022/23: Codierungstheorie
Summer 2022: Algebraische Zahlentheorie
Winter 2021/22: Gruppentheorie
Summer 2021: Lineare Algebra 2
Winter 2020/21: Lineare Algebra 1
Summer 2020: Gruppentheorie
Winter 2019/20: Algebraische Zahlentheorie
Summer 2019: Algebra
Winter 2018/2019: Gruppentheorie (second half of the term) Seminar Algebra