University Controlling

University Controlling

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About the University Controlling

The University Controlling reports to the Vice President.

Its key responsibility is to make available controlling-related data, indicators, and information to the presidium and the Department Heads.

The University Controlling also advises the university management in all major financial decisions.

The aim is to achieve the best possible use of university resources in teaching, research, studying and continuing education.



Anja Kübler
Phone: +49 (531) 391-4117
Room 206

Karen Hoffmann 
Phone: +49 (531) 391-2183
Room 207

Spielmannstraße 20
38106 Braunschweig



N. N.

Spielmannstraße 20, Room 209

38106 Braunschweig

Phone:+49 (531) 391-2180


General and current informations as well as forms are reachable on our Information Portal for employes.