Anja Trittelvitz did study social work and -pedagogy, philosophy and gender studies in Hanover, Göttingen, Vienna and Berlin and did a research residence in Utrecht. Meanwhile she worked for various committees in the academic self-administration. In her master's thesis she examined the gender specific codification of food in the western society and its carnistic-patriarchal ideology, which is based on the objectification and othering of non-human animals (and women). After extensive professional experience in the social and feminist sector and a psychotherapeutic education, she started to do a doctor's degree in 2017 at the "Gendered Configurations of Humans and Machines (KoMMa.G)" program in Brunswick. In her dissertation she is researching the phenomena of self-optimization and Technologies of the Self through a selective choice of nutrition and its handling in social media. She is a member of the Society for Women in Philosophy Germany and the Gender Studies Association. She volunteers for women’s politics and writes for the feminist magazine an.schläge.