Fachschaft Maschinenbau

Fachschaft Maschinenbau

Welcome to the website of the Student Council for Mechanical Engineers!

About Us

We, the Student Council for Mechanical Engineers, are made up of students from Faculty 4. We represent student's opinion in the university's political committees. We are your first point of contact if you have problems with your studies, and we are always ready to listen! In addition, we are responsible for the orientation phase and some events during the semester.

Join us!

If you are interested in getting involved or would like to help us with other projects, you are more than welcome to stop by!

We meet every Monday at 6:30 pm in the rooms of the student council (Masch.Bau, Langer Kamp 19D). You can come to us with all questions related to studying and teaching at our faculty. Just as welcome are suggestions on what we can do to improve both the student council and other aspects of the university.

Furthermore, we offer various services. These include the printing of scripts and old exams in the Klappe, the support of theMaschinenbau-Forums (note: external site, no responsibility for external content by the TU Braunschweig), and the counseling to your studies from a student perspective. This offer is primarily intended for students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering but also for prospective students and current applicants (Bachelor and Master). Likewise, we try to assist students from other faculties with non-subject-specific questions and problems.

We would love to have you stop by!
Your Student Council for Mechanical Engineers