After enrolment, you will be entering a whole new world while studying: Renewal of matriculation, switching your field of study, validating your TUcard - in addition to acquiring new knowledge, you will also learn many new administrative terms throughout your studies. These procedures are important in order to make your studies run as smoothly as possible. You can find an overview of all the centrally important processes on
Besides lectures and seminars, a degree programme also offers you many other opportunities to explore new activities. You can try out a completely new sport at the university sports centre, for example, or learn an additional language at the language centre. In addition, there are a large number of student initiatives on campus that deal with either subject-related or other fields and are always happy to welcome new students!
Campuslife and involvement Student Initiatives [in German only]
Do you want to participate in shaping the university's development - perhaps working in the student parliament or a faculty student council is the best way for you to do so?
Whether you need access data, learning material or a balance to the lecture: At the TU Braunschweig there are numerous facilities that offer you support in your studies.
At the University Sports Centre you will find a wide range of sports, health and recreational activities offered by the university, which will provide you with an active or relaxed alternative to your studies. The sports on offer are very inexpensive and mostly oriented towards mass sports - there's a suitable programme for everyone.
The Gauß-IT-Centre (GITZ) is the central IT provider of the TU Braunschweig. It is responsible for the IT infrastructure and offers students standard services such as groupware and printing services, as well as special features like multimedia device lending, a university messenger and cloud services. Technically, it supports your everyday studies with the course catalogue and e-learning environment, among other things. In addition, classes are offered that teach basic as well as advanced IT skills.
The university library (UB) provides you with scientific literature in printed and digital form which you need for your studies. We also offer study spaces so that you can work without being disturbed. Advice on all questions concerning orientation in the library or literature research as well as offers for scientific work complete our offer. We look forward to your visit!
The International House is the central contact point for international matters at the TU Braunschweig. We advise you when you plan to study abroad, support you with language learning and intercultural skills, and accompany international students through their studies in Braunschweig. Whether it's a semester abroad in Spain, a Japanese language course, a language tandem programme or intercultural exchange on campus - we make internationality a tangible experience.
A degree programme does not only qualify you for one specific profession. As a general rule, a wide range of options are available to you. The more you can formulate your own career ideas and the more you learn about how you can use your skills and strengths professionally, the easier it will be for you to start your professional life. Every semester we offer a range of events with workshops, excursions and discussion groups so that you can gather information about job market developments and employers, make comparisons, and try out working methods and how to approach a job interview. And we offer individual counselling on job application topics, information gathering and networking, or employer and career selection.
The Entrepreneurship Hub is a joint institution of the TU Braunschweig and the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. It makes a significant contribution to establishing a successful and long-lasting start-up culture at both universities.
In order to maintain and further develop an entrepreneurial culture, we offer a variety of courses, learning and research opportunities and support the founding of innovative and technology-based companies. Our extensive offer is aimed at students, doctoral candidates and academic staff.
Do you have a business idea, are you interested in entrepreneurship or would you like to participate in an exciting start-up project? Then take a look at our website or our social media channels! #startupnow
Together we are more! Even if you are just beginning your studies, you belong to the vibrant community of students and alumni*ae at TU Braunschweig. We, the team at the Alumni & Career Services, will keep in touch with you even after graduation - so please remember to reach out to us as you near the completion of your studies.
Diversity means plurality
The Diversity Office promotes student diversity at TU Braunschweig and is the central point of contact for students who encounter challenges and barriers in their studies. Whether physical or mental impairment, situational stress, experience of discrimination, caring for relatives, First Generation Student (FGS), chronic disease, language barriers, family responsibilities or any other challenge - we help to remove barriers. In addition, the Diversity Office connects you with contact points such as the representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses and other internal and external counselling centres.
The Family Office at TU Braunschweig offers students information and advice on all aspects of balancing studies and family life.
The topics covered include childcare, study and examination organisation, compensation for disadvantages, maternity leave, caring for relatives, studying parents and many more. Counselling concerns are discussed individually and, of course, treated confidentially. Alongside the counselling services, students with family responsibilities can connect and exchange ideas at parent-child meetings; current information is distributed via a mailing list and a newsletter.
The Study Service Centre combines a wide range of services and advisory services for you. Here, the staff will support you throughout your studies in the areas of studying and everyday life at the university. We can provide you with orientation and serve as the right place for your questions. You can get reliable information and advice on your studies at our information desks on the ground floor and in the advisory offices on the upper floor. If you would like to find information online on your own, you are welcome to visit our self-service area.
The Student Office manages student data and provides information on admission, enrolment, re-registration, issuing of certificates and exmatriculation as well as semester fees, tuition fees and student financing.
The Academic Advice Service supports you with a wide range of questions in the course of your studies, advises you across subject boundaries and deals with your personal concerns individually.
If you have an idea or a problem with your studies, then tell us now at!
Tell us! is the central complaints management system in the area of studying and teaching for students at the TU Braunschweig. The aim is to concentrate your feedback in one central place and deal with it transparently. We want to tackle ideas and problems in order to improve the quality of studying and teaching, to increase student satisfaction in studying and to improve services.
Tell us is moderated by speakers from Department 16.
More information
The Sandkasten Platform is an initiative of the Knowledge Exchange unit for all those who are interested in contributing to make life on campus and in the city even more liveable and sustainable. All students, staff, teachers and researchers can enter ideas and realise them themselves. Through the Sandkasten platform as a digital space and the Sandkasten headquarters in the Altgebäude of the TU Braunschweig as an analogue space, we provide opportunities for exchange, participation and project funding based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDGs).
The Studierendenwerk OstNiedersachsen is a competent partner that will make your everyday life easier during your studies. We offer you inexpensive and delicious meals in our dining halls and cafeterias, we rent affordable and well-located accommodation, we process BAföG applications and thus ensure that you don't run out of breath financially. Our psychotherapeutic counselling as well as our social and financial counselling services are there to listen to your worries and fears, our day-care centres and flexible childcare services take care of your children during lectures, and the cultural funding offer space for your creativity. Visit our Ersti website [in German only] and follow us on Instagram! #wirmachensdirleichter
Initial counselling for students on topics such as jobs, employment contracts, leave and illness, internships during studies and much more.
The TU Braunschweig offers many other service facilities that will be pleased to support you during your studies.
Vacancies of TU Braunschweig
Career Service' Job Exchange
Term Dates
Degree Programmes
Information for Freshman
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0