DFG Network Evidence-Based Science Outreach

Our mission is the integration of knowledge from science education and science communication to develop a framework model of science outreach

Zwei weiblich gelesene Personen, welche vor einem Tisch stehen auf welchem sich ein Laptop und Technik befindet.

The DFG-funded network brings together scientists from the research fields of science communication and science education to jointly create a basis for evidence-based science outreach (e.g. science communication projects in Collaborative Research Centers or Clusters of Excellence). A central goal of the network is the development of a framework model to capture the motivation for and effects of science outreach on target persons (e.g. pupils), but also on communicating scientists and their institutions.

The network aims to initiate further empirical research on science outreach and thus points the way to evidence-based practice.



Gefördert durch DFG- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft