Project work starting WS 24/25: Design and implementation of a propulsor for e-foil systems

In winter semester 24/25, the somewhat different new project work starts - anyone who wants a good mix of theory and practice in connection with propeller design may feel addressed.

The project work “Design and implementation of a propulsor for e-foil systems” not only teaches students the basics of designing turbomachinery, but also the importance of this technology for our modern world. Students learn how turbomachinery is used in practice and develop their own ideas for innovative solutions.

As part of the project work, students will work on the following tasks:

1) Introduction to the design of turbomachinery for e-foiling

2) Measurement of a reference drive in the laboratory

3) Digital design of a new turbomachine for e-foiling

4) Production of the turbomachine using 3D printing and strength testing

5) Field test competition: e-foiling on a body of water close to the site

You can find more information about the E-Foil on our test rig overview.