Space Propulsion Team
The Space Propulsion team is investigating ways to make space travel more affordable by reducing the cost of engine development. In particular, it is focusing on developing new technologies to make the engine easier to manufacture, improve its performance and make new fuel combinations easier to handle. It is also investigating ways to store fuel in space and produce it on site, to significantly improve the overall system infrastructure and make space operations more affordable.
A fundamental aspect of the research is also developed to make space a safer and cleaner place. As such, the team works closely with the other working groups at IRAS to develop missions to reduce space debris and perform docking maneuvers with uncooperative objects, see also ELISSA table (Link).
The group focuses its research on In-Space Propulsion, Reusable Launchers as well as AI applied to Space Management services.
In-Space Propulsion
The combination of cryogenic propellants is largely used in Europe and worldwide for high performance launcher applications. However, the high specific impulse and availability in space make this propellant combination highly suited for in situ-resources utilization and in-orbit refueling as well. This is in accordance with ESA’s ongoing development of a space transportation ecosystem (Link: )
Additional requirements must be addressed when considering in-space applications such as smaller size engines, harsh thermal environment, and multiple restarts with a reliable in-space ignition. This requires a significant understanding of the overall system and a different architecture compared to conventional, commercial satellites. Three main area of research are considered in this sector:
AI applied to Space Management Service
With the rapidly increasing number of satellites and other human made space objects, space debris removal technologies and modelling of the space debris environment becomes increasingly important. Accurately modelling the quantity, size, and the spatial-temporal evolution of space debris is essential for assessing collision risks in space and thus the overall safety and long-term stability of the Earth's orbital environment. To enhance docking capabilities, AI can be used to deal with non-cooperative targets. By using machine learning algorithms on large datasets, AI is able to predict and adapt to erratic behavior. AI-powered systems autonomously cope with unknown variables by learning from past experience and real-time data. This technological advancement improves efficiency and reduces risk in the removal of space debris.