Space Debris
The Space Debris Group of the Institute of Space Systems is one of the leading expert teams in the field of modeling the space debris environment. Relevant tools developed in this context on behalf of the ESA include MASTER (Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference) and PROOF (Program for Radar and Optical Observation Forecasting). Other important pillars of the Space Debris Group include long-term simulations of the space debris environment and Space Situational Awareness (SSA). In the field of long-term simulations, scientists from the group participate in meetings of the Inter Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) as part of the delegation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Considering current trends in space exploration, such as the construction of mega-constellations, SSA, which involves monitoring the current and future positions of as many objects in Earth's orbit as possible, becomes increasingly important to continue conducting missions successfully and safely.
Space Debris Modeling:
Space Debris Long-Term Simulation:
Space Debris Risk Analysis:
Space Debris Observation:
Orbital Mechanics:
Space Debris Cost-Benefit Analysis:
Orbital Nuclear Reactors: