In accordance with Section 6 (1) and Section 18 of the APO, Bachelor's students can acquire and have recognised a maximum of 36 credit points from Master's degree programmes. To do this, it is necessary to submit the "Application for recognition of achievements in the Master's degree programme, which were acquired during the Bachelor's programme" to the Examinations Office after enrolment in the Master's programme. You can find the relevant form here.
In the subject of Psychology, only credits from the supplementary area can be ‘pre-studied’ for the Master's degree programme.
If you would like to have credits recognised that are not part of your examination regulations, please contact your program coordination for possible recognition.
Students in the Master's program Biology should use the application for the recognition of a 'Flexi Module (Forms especially for Biology students)' for this purpose."
External examinations and courseworks
External examinations and courseworks that have been successfully completed and documented can be recognized in your degree program according to § 6 of General Examination Regulations (APO):
Competences acquired outside the university can replace a maximum of 50% of the credit points provided for in a degree programme. Final theses must always be completed at TU Brauschweig.
Recognition for an examination achievement can no longer be applied for if an examination attempt has already been taken at TU Braunschweig for this examination achievement in the relevant degree programme.
In cases where an external examination has been recognised, a free attempt is excluded.
The relevant examination board decides on the application for recognition. Please check your performance status in TUconnect after completing the recognition procedure.
All achievements that were necessary to gain admission to the degree programme cannot be recognised (§ 6 (14) APO).
Change of institution
In accordance with § 6 (7) 7. b of the TU Braunschweig Enrolment Regulations, students are obliged to submit a clearance certificate, including all successful and unsuccessful examination attempts, by the time of enrolment at the latest.
As long as this clearance certificate is not available, registration for and thus participation in an examination is not possible. If a student does not indicate any previously attempted examinations and still participates in an exam, it will be evaluated as 'insufficient' according to § 11 (4) (APO).
In addition, the module handbook (in electronic form or as a copy) must be submitted to the responsible degree programme coordination. Examinations and coursework are recognised in accordance with § 6 APO. If you have any questions about recognition, please contact the degree programme coordination responsible for your subject.
Career changer / Recognition from practical work experience
For the recognition of achievements from professional practical experience, please fill out the form „Application for Recognition of external examinations and coursework“.
Achievements can be recognized if the competencies acquired during the professional practical experience, when considered as a whole, essentially correspond in content, scope, and level to those of the achievements to be recognized (equivalence).
The completed form and the following documents
• an excerpt from the course catalog/module handbook
• certificate of grades (original)
should be submitted by the students to the relevant instructor (module coordinator) for the purpose of confirming equivalence.
After confirmation by the instructor, you should submit the documents to the examination office. The decision on the application for recognition will be made by the examination board. Please check your performance status in TUconnect after the recognition process is completed.
Study performances, examinations or equivalent achievements that were necessary to be granted access to the degree programme cannot be recognized (§ 6 (14 APO).
Coursework and examinations that were completed at a university outside the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning university sector in the European Region.
The same regulations apply as for career changer (see previous section).
Excursions are usually recognised with 1 CP. Please ask the programme coordination in advance whether the excursion will be approved.
Language courses are recognised in accordance with the overview under „Recognition of language courses“.
Please note that different rules apply for recognition and the maximum number of credit points from different areas in the respective degree programmes. Find out more about the following subjects via the corresponding links:
Biochemistry/Chemical Biology
Biology (Bachelor / Master)
Biotechnoloy (Bachelor / Master)
Chemistry (Bachelor / Master)
Food Chemistry (Bachelor / Master)
Study abroad:
Recognition of coursework and examinations completed abroad (during a study abroad) is only possible if the application for recognition is submitted to the examination board in accordance with § 6 (9) of the Examination Regulations before the start of the study abroad semester and has been approved by them (Learning Agreement).
The actual recognition (registration in the system) takes place after the resumption of studies at TU Braunschweig.
Depending on how many credit points have been earned, these will be credited to the period of study in accordance with the current regulations of the enrolment regulations.
One semester is credited as study time if at least 30 credit points have been recognised; the number of semesters to be credited increases by one semester for every 30 credit points recognised, i.e. two semesters are credited from 60 credit points and three semesters are credited from 90 credit points.
Please enquire about the subject-specific application deadlines. The following documents must be submitted to the relevant degree programme coordinator for recognition:
- Application for recognition of an achievement
- Learning Agreement / exchange plan approved by the Examination Board
- Transcript of Records or other proof of achievement
Final thesis during the study abroad programme:
The recognition of a thesis or other achievement as a Bachelor's or Master's thesis is generally not permitted in accordance with § 6 (8) APO. The regulations for the final thesis can be found in § 14 APO and in the corresponding sections of the Special Examination Regulations.
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Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0