Peer coaching

Together successfully to the doctorate

Do you feel thrown back on yourself in your doctoral phase, tend to be alone with your work and rely heavily on your self-motivation?

A doctorate is a challenge for self-management – the daily structure becomes blurred and the balance with work often comes up short. Your own demand for perfection often makes it difficult to make progress in your work.

Peer coaching offers support during this phase and gives important impulses:

  • The exchange in the group promotes motivation and fun while working
  • Regular meetings create structure and commitment
  • Expert inputs through workshops impart and strengthen important competencies

In peer coaching, you will experience collegiality and support in your challenges and receive advice and opportunities for reflection on issues of self-management, self-presentation and career orientation. As you come together with female doctoral researchers from different fields and at different stages of the doctorate, you can learn a lot from each other and grow together.

The programme is mainly conducted in German. If you would like to participate but the language is a hurdle for you, please contact the programme coordinator so that we can work out a solution together.

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