To participate in the online election, go to the website
Log in there using the "Login" button.
You are now logged in to the TU Braunschweig website. In the lower area of the website you will find a button with the text "Your personal election link". After clicking on this button you will enter the actual voting system.
If you have any problems or questions, you will find help and information about the election on the website.
Your electronic ballot is now displayed. All the bodies for which you are entitled to vote are displayed one after the other.
You can cast your vote in all the bodies displayed to you by placing a cross in front of the respective candidate. Please note the information on the number of votes allowed in each body. You also always have the option to invalidate your vote ("Ungültig wählen").
When you get to the end of your ballot, you can click on "Verify Vote" ("Stimmabgabe prüfen") to have your vote verified. You can also cancel your vote at any time by clicking on "Cancel Vote" ("Stimmabgabe abbrechen"). If you cancel, you can come back and repeat your vote at any time during the voting period by repeating steps 1-4 shown above.
In this step, your vote selection will be displayed again. You can correct your choice here if necessary by clicking on "correct selection" ("Auswahl korrigieren") or cancel it by clicking on "cancel voting" ("Stimmabgabe abbrechen").
If you have cast too many votes in a ballot or marked a ballot as invalid, this will also be displayed here so that you can still adjust your selection if necessary.
If you have made your choice and no longer wish to correct your vote, you can finalize your vote by clicking on the "binding vote" ("verbindliche Stimmabgabe") button. After clicking this button you will not be able to correct your selection and you will not be able to access the voting system again.