News from our faculty

News from our faculty

CHE Ranking: Top position for Braunschweig Physics

Im Gespräch: Austausch unter Studierenden

In the latest Master's ranking by the CHE Centre for Higher Education Development, our Master's degree programme in Physics received top marks from students for study conditions. Physics students particularly appreciate the overall study situation and the range of courses on offer.

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AI in microscopy

KI in der Mikroskopie

An interdisciplinary research group from the Institutes of Applied Physics, Communications Engineering and Analysis and Algebra has developed an artificial intelligence capable of analysing images from scanning tunnelling microscopes with an impressive 99% accuracy. This innovative technique enables efficient and precise identification of chiral molecules and could revolutionise basic research.

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Physikinformationstag 2025

How can you levitate superconductors? Can you cook with comets and how does a round of quantum miniature golf work? Pupils were given answers to these questions during hands-on experiments at the Physikinformationstag at the Technical University of Braunschweig. There were also insights into research with lectures on quantum physics and laboratory tours.

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18.01.2025 | Lecture "Nobel Prize in Physics 2024: How artificial intelligence is changing science"

The Nobel Prize in Physics honours the groundbreaking work of John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton, who laid the foundation for artificial intelligence as it is found everywhere today - for years in science and increasingly in everyday life, see ChatGPT.

But how exactly does this technology, which teaches machines to learn independently, work? What makes these discoveries so revolutionary? Tim Seifert M. Sc. answers these and other questions.

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Christmas lights at the IMAB

On December 9, 2024, eleven students explored the Institute for Electrical Machines, Drives and Trains as part of the “step in MINT” initiative.

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Step in MINT 2024

Professor Stefanie Kroker receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Professor Stefanie Kroker from the Institute of Semiconductor Technology has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant worth almost two million euros for her research project "MightyMirrors". She and her team want to push the boundaries of what is possible with so-called meta-mirrors.

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Professor Tim Fingscheidt becomes IEEE Fellow

On January 1, 2025, Professor Tim Fingscheidt from the Institute for Communications Technology will be appointed an IEEE Fellow. This special honor is given to Professor Fingscheidt “for contributions to speech enhancement systems and their evaluation”. Congratulations!

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CMOS chips at the cold limit

The Institute for CMOS Design under Professor Vadim Issakov is involved in the EU project ArCTIC and the BMBF project CryoSoQ. The findings are to become an additional facet of the new Master's programme Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

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Niedersachsen Science Prize in two categories for our faculty

Professor Andreas Waag received the award in the category ‘Scientist at a university in Lower Saxony’. Sarah Koop-Brinkmann was honoured in the ‘Student’ category. Congratulations!

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“Everything the heart of a solid-state physicist desires”

Farsane Tabataba-Vakili has been teaching and researching at the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics since September 2024. In an interview, she talks about her research at TU Braunschweig.

To the interview

WS 2024/25 | Physics colloquium: First dates online

Every semester, the physics institutes of our faculty invite guest lecturers from all over the world to the Physics Colloquium at the Physics Centre. The first dates for the winter semester 2024/25 are now online and will be updated on an ongoing basis.

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Space physics between Mexico and Braunschweig, Mercury and Earth

As part of the partnership agreement between TU Braunschweig and the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México (UNAM), Prof Ferdinand Plaschke and Kristin Pump from the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics (IGEP) visited Prof Xóchitl Blanco Cano's group from the Institute of Geophysics there.

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Physics on Saturday mornings: exciting series in the winter semester 2024/25

Let our physics institutes take you on a journey into the fascinating world of physics. In this series of popular science events, you will discover exciting research findings on a wide range of topics. We look forward to your visit!

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NDR Niedersachsen: Technology from IMAB to make charging electric cars easier

Finding a charging station with an electric car, unrolling the cable, plugging it in and rolling it up again - that should be easier. Researchers at our Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives (IMAB) have developed a plate for inductive charging.

Article and video

19.09.2024 | The search for Alien Earths: latest discoveries and adventures with astrophysicist Prof. Dr. Lisa Kaltenegger

On 19 September, astrophysicist Lisa Kaltenegger will be a guest at Technische Universität Braunschweig as part of the Lise Meitner Lectures. Professor Kaltenegger is one of the world’s leading researchers in the search for habitable planets outside our solar system.

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JUICE spacecraft gains momentum: Critical double flyby around the Moon and Earth

The ESA space agency's JUICE satellite mission was launched on 14 April 2023. The Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics (IGEP) was also involved by contributing a magnetic field measuring device. The scientists hope to be able to explore the moons of Jupiter and clarify whether life is possible beneath the surfaces of the moons.

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Physics student selected for Nobel Laureate Meeting

The student Laura Patzke, who is working on her Master's thesis in Professor Wolfram Brenig's group at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, was selected to take part in the 73rd Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau on Lake Constance in a highly competitive, international review process. Congratulations!

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Alumni Talk with Markus Rex "Frozen at the North Pole - Expedition to the Epicentre of Climate Change"

Climate and polar researcher Markus Rex, head of the MOSAiC Arctic expedition, will give an alumni talk on 25 June 2024 on the topic of "Frozen at the North Pole - Expedition to the Epicentre of Climate Change".

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Markus Rex

Rudolf Urtel Prize for communications engineer

Dr. Lucca Richter was awarded the Rudolf Urtel Prize 2023 for his dissertation at the symposium of the FKTG - Gesellschaft für Elektronische Medien. He completed his doctoral thesis at the Institute for Communications Technology.

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Dr. Lucca Richter umgeben von Sonja Langhans (2. Vorsitzende der FKTG), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Schäfer (Vorsitzender) und Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Reimers.

Geophysics makes you happy

The two students, Isabella Burger and Annika Pischke, traveled to the Arctic Circle together with doctoral student Raphael Schulz and Professor Andreas Hördt. There they carried out geoelectric measurements using methods from the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics.

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Die beiden Bachelorstudentinnen Isabella Burger und Annika Pischke bei einer Rast in Schweden.

Voyager-1 is transmitting again! Interview with Prof Karl-Heinz Glaßmeier

The Voyager 1 space probe, which was launched in 1977, had not sent any usable signals for several months. Contact has now been re-established, which some experts are calling a ‘miracle’. In an article in the Heute Journal, Prof Glaßmeier from the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics explains why this is so important.

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Prof Glaßmeier explains the significance of the Voyager mission in the Heute Journal. In the background you can see the picture that was taken on the occasion of the 275th anniversary of the TU Braunschweig.

Would you like to study at a total of three universities?

If so, then take advantage of our trinational Erasmus programme! It is aimed specifically at students of information systems engineering and electrical engineering with a specialisation in communication technology and information technology.

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Portraits of our alumni online

The central alumni*ae platform of TU Braunschweig currently features portraits of five graduates from our faculty. We are delighted that they would like to share their experiences with our current students and graduates.

Get to know alumni

New method for measuring amino acids

Under the leadership of Prof Uta Schlickum from the Institute of Applied Physics, the group in the QuantumFrontiers Cluster of Excellence developed a new measurement method. For the first time, a single amino acid in a peptide, a combination of several amino acids, could be identified on a single molecule basis on the surface.

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Natural spectacle during geophysical field campaign in Sweden

A team of researchers from the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics of Technische Universität Braunschweig conducted a geophysical study of permafrost bogs in northern Sweden. As well as providing a lot of valuable data, the trip also left some beautiful impressions. Madhuri Sugand, for example, photographed a natural spectacle in the sky – the aurora borealis.

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Congratulations: IDA paper receives Best of Track Paper Award

The paper "Safe Usage of Multi-Cores in Neural Network Avionics Application" from the Institute of Data Science and Communication Networks received a Best of Track Paper Award at the Digitial Avionics System Conference (DASC) in Barcelona. Congratulations to all award winners!

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12th Braunschweig Energy Seminar 2023 organised by elenia

Experts from science and industry as well as interested students met at the Haus der Wissenschaften for exciting presentations in the fields of superconductors, direct current technology and hydrogen. A technical exchange at 15 posters rounded off the programme.

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Energieseminar 2023

Measurement campaign in Sweden successfully completed

A team of researchers from the IGEP had set off for Abisko in northern Sweden in September 2023 to conduct geophysical studies of permafrost bogs. A special "highlight" was to see northern lights, which offered a little compensation for many a cold working day with their spectacular shapes.

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Mjellma Çitaku wins ARD/ZDF "Frauen + Medientechnologie" Award

Mjellma Çitaku wrote her Master’s thesis under Prof. Tim Fingscheidt at the Institute for Communications Technology at TU Braunschweig on the topic of “Gelernte Videokompression mit tiefen neuronalen Netzen” (Learned video compression with deep neural networks). Thanks to Mjellma Çitaku, TU Braunschweig succeeded in winning a sponsorship award for the third time.

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Mjellma Çitaku, Preisträgerin des ARD/ZDF Förderpreis „Frauen + Medientechnologie“ 2023.

New teaching lab at our faculty!

A teaching laboratory has been set up at the Institute for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV) to produce teaching videos or to conduct digital courses. It can be used by teachers and students of our faculty.

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High-resolution radars for the vehicle cabin

Especially with autonomous vehicles in mind, it is becoming increasingly important to equip the car's cabin with reliable sensors. In the "SICHER" project, the Institute for CMOS Design led by Professor Vadim Issakov is laying the foundations for a new generation of radar sensors.

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Professor Vadim Issakov forscht als Experte für Chipdesign an einer neuen Generation von Radarsensoren.

Recognising the Unknown: Review of the Deep Learning Lab

How do you get machines to correctly recognise creatures or objects in images that are unknown to them? This was the question students addressed in the Deep Learning Lab from the Institute for Communications Technology, developing creative solutions.

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Eine Anomaliesegmentierung wie sie durch das neuronale Netz vorgenommen wird. Die Hirschkühe sind für die KI unbekannt und werden als Anomalie wahrgenommen.

Congratulations, Physens!

The start-up of the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics was awarded in the category "Outstanding nominated idea" in the INNOspace Masters, an international competition in the space sector of the DLR.

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Auszeichnung für IGEP-Ausgründung PhySens

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Braunschweig

TU Braunschweig welcomes Daniel Prades as their first Alexander von Humboldt Professor. The Spanish expert for nanophotonics receives Germany’s highest-doted research award with five million euros.

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Getting to know Daniel Prades

Daniel Prades kommt als Alexander von Humboldt-Professor an die TU Braunschweig.

Development of new vehicle electrical systems also at our faculty

In order to take into account the efficiency and strict reliability requirements in aviation, the Cluster of Excellence SE2A is getting a new laboratory, the Electric Aircraft Ground Lab Environment (E2AGLE). The large-scale research facility will be set up in two subsystems at two locations, at our Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives and at Leibniz Universität Hannover.

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New Master's programme "Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering" starts in the winter semester 2023/24

How do you actually work with a quantum computer? The English-language Master’s programme “Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering” (QTEC) opens up the world of quantum technologies to students in a hands-on way. Apply until 15 July!

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 Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering M. Sc.

New Master's programme "Solar System Physics"

Ready for exciting space missions: The focus of the new Master’s programme Solar System Physics at Technische Universität Braunschweig is the solar system with its planets, moons, asteroids and comets, and with its central star, the sun. Apply until 15 July!

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Workshop visit to the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow

Professor Michael Terörde and Philip Senkpiel from the Institute of Electromagnetic Compatibility together with Johanna Anspach from the Junior Research Group Wiring Technologies of the Faculty EITP participated in a 2-day workshop at our strategic partner university in Glasgow/Scotland, the University of Strathclyde (UoS)".

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Sensor from Faculty EITP as part of the instrument package begins its work

One week after the launch, the boom on which the magnetometer instrument on the JUICE spacecraft is installed was successfully deployed. One of its sensors was developed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Physics.

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Harvard University and TU Braunschweig on quantum sensor technology in biomedicine

Scientists from Harvard University and our faculty's Institute of Condensed Matter Physics have brought together different quantum sensors in a publication. Read more about this exciting field of research.

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Mail from ... Japan from our WiMi Peter Toth

Peter Toth is a research associate at the Institute for CMOS Design and reports on his seven-month research stay at Keio University in Tokyo. Among other things, he is researching his doctoral topic in the Ishikuro lab. Enjoy reading!

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Jupiter moon mission: Searching for oceans with technology from our faculty

On 14 April 2023 at 14:15, the JUICE mission to explore the planet Jupiter and its moons was launched. The EITP faculty is involved in the European Space Agency (ESA) mission with a self-developed magnetic field measuring device and a camera data processing unit.

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Mail from … Sweden by our Master's student Lars Klingenstein

Lars Klingenstein auf einem zugefrorenen See in der schwedischen Winterlandschaft

Lars studies physics with a focus on astrophysics at our faculty and is currently completing the Erasmus+ programme at Stockholm University. He particularly enjoys the subject "Observational Astrophysics" because it is very practice-oriented. For example, on an excursion to the Onsala space observatory near Gothenburg, the students were allowed to operate the telescope themselves on two nights and evaluate the data.

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Doctoral student Silvia Müllner on her path towards the limits of the measurable

After studying physics at our faculty, doctoral student Silvia Müllner is currently researching how light couples better to molecules with a special twist. In the TU Magazine, she reports on her work at the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics.

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Step in MINT "under tension" at IMAB

Besuch im IMAB

In February, our step in MINT students explored the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Physics. After a brief overview of the degree programmes offered there, we went to the Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives – IMAB for short.

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Many greetings from the company partner day of the Braunschweig Technical Academy

Die Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik, Physik auf dem Firmenpartnertag der Techniker Akademie

On 9 February 2023, Jörgen Jungclaus from the Institute of Semiconductor Technology and Audrey Bode from the Business Office represented our faculty at the Partner Company Day of the Braunschweig Technology Academy. They answered organisational and content-related questions from students and teachers and invited them to the "Schnupperstudium" in the summer semester.


Interview with Professor Nabeel Aslam

Juniorprofessor Nabeel Aslam im Forschungszentrum LENA

Nabeel Aslam has been a junior professor at the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics since the beginning of October 2022. Most recently, he spent four years at Harvard University researching quantum sensors in diamonds. In the interview, Professor Aslam tells us how he uses individual atoms in the diamond and what inspired him to do science. Have fun reading!

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Biogeoscientific study trip in southern Mexico

Physics students Bastian Brömer and Ruth Glebe report on their study trip to the karst lakes of the tropical rainforest. Here they are preparing the sonar equipment for the geophysical measurements on Lake Tzibaná. Learn more about the exciting time in Mexico!

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Measuring systems for the communication technology of the future

THz-Kanalmessungen in einer Flugzeugkabine

In information technology, the need for fast wireless data communication is growing rapidly. To make speeds of 100 gigabits per second and higher technically possible, a new approach in communications technology is needed. A DFG research group with Prof. Thomas Kürner from the Institute of Communications Engineering as spokesperson is dedicated to this topic.

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Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kroker is Physicist of the week 2022

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kroker

Since January 2018, the Equal Opportunities Working Group (AKC) of the German Physical Society (DPG) has been presenting research by women in physics in Germany and abroad within the "Physikerin der Woche" initiative. In calendar week 45, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kroker from the Institute of Semiconductor Technology was selected. Her research focuses on micro- and nanophotonic structures that enable light control at scales down to a few nanometers.

To the German Physical Society (DPG)

Professor Vadim Issakov visiting Tokyo

Mitten in Tokio: Professor Vadim Issakov erkundet nach seiner Gastvorlesung die Stadt.

The cooperation between TU Braunschweig and Keio University in Tokyo continued to gain momentum over the summer. First, Professor Vadim Issakov travelled to Japan and lectured on analogue integrated circuits in biomedicine. This was followed by a workshop on “Next Generation Quantum Computing”, which mainly brought together researchers from the Japanese quantum computing programme with those from Quantum Valley Lower Saxony. Finally, Japanese Professor Hiroki Ishikuro returned the visit with a guest lecture in Braunschweig. From enthusiastic students to new cooperation options to exploring Japanese culture: after his German-Japanese summer, Professor Vadim Issakov is positively brimming with impressions.

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IfN scores triple: Three Springer books in one year

Information Theory, Mathematical Optimization, and Their Crossroads in 6G System Design

On 21.09.2022, the Springer book "Information Theory, Mathematical Optimization, and Their Crossroads in 6G System Design" with participation of Prof. Jorswieck and Dr. Pin-Hsun Lin from the IuK Group was officially published. Previously, Prof. Kürner and Prof. Fingscheidt had each published a Springer book also during this year, so that in 2022 we can celebrate three Springer books from all groups at the Institute for Communications Technology. A great success!

Information Theory, Mathematical Optimization, and Their Crossroads in 6G System Design | SpringerLink
THz Communications | SpringerLink
Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving | SpringerLink

To the news page of the Institute

Consultation hour "Networks" for Bachelor students ET, WIING-ET and IST

Sprechstunde in Netzwerke

The Institute for CMOS Design offers a consultation hour "Networks" in the winter semester 2022/23 to support you in preparing for the exam. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Date: Mondays, 15.00-16.30 hrs.
  • Place: Hans-Sommer-Straße 66, Room 1406
  • Start: 24.10.2022

Deep Learning Lab 2022: Students of our faculty among the winners!

Deep Learning Lab 2022: Das Siegerteam.

A total of ten teams took on the Deep Learning Lab's task. First place went to Alexander Tank and Sven Brüggemann (both: ELSY) and Morteza Molai (Mechanical Engineering). The additional environmental prize was awarded to Maria Christoph and Lasse Anderes (both: IST) and Leandra Fichtel (Computer Science). Congratulations!

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Experiences as a First Generation Academic

Doro Bischoff, Doktorandin am Institut für Geophysik und Extraterrestrische Physik

Based on short interviews, members of TU Braunschweig who were the first in their family to attend university introduce themselves. This time: Doro Bischoff, PhD student at the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics.

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Vadim Issakov as Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 2023-2025

Vadim Issakov als Distinguished Microwave Lecturer 2023-2025

We congratulate Prof. Vadim Issakov from the Institute of CMOS Design for his award as "Distinguished Microwave Lecturer"!

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Markus Henke, Professor of Electric Drive Systems, as Role Model at TU Braunschweig

Prof. Markus Henke, Leiter des Instituts für Elektrische Maschinen, Antriebe und Bahnen (IMAB)

The project Role Models: First Generation Academics at Technische Universität Braunschweig makes social diversity at our university visible. By means of short interviews, various members of TU Braunschweig introduce themselves who were the first in their family to study

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Two students of our faculty receive “Braunschweiger Bürgerpreis”

Gruppenfoto nach der Preisverleihung des „Braunschweiger Bürgerpreis“ für herausragende Leistungen

Congratulations to Edona Capric and Leon Götz for their award for outstanding performance!

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"Deep Neural Networks and Data for Automated Driving" online

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Fingscheidt from the Institute for Communications Technology, together with Hanno Gottschalk from the University of Wuppertal and Sebastian Houben from the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems, has published an open access Springer book on automated driving with a focus on "Artificial Intelligence and Data".

This book addresses readers from both academia and industry, since it is written by authors from both academia and industry. Accordingly, it takes on diverse viewing angles, but keeps a clear focus on machine-learned environment perception in autonomous vehicles. Special interest is on deep neural networks themselves, their robustness and uncertainty awareness, the data they are trained on, and, last but not least, on safety aspects. The book is also special in its structure. While a first part is an extensive survey of literature in the field, the second part consists of 14 chapters, each detailing a particular aspect in the area of interest.

Download full-text PDF


New Bachelor's programme NEEMO starts in winter semester 2022/23

From 1 June 2022, you can enrol for our new climate protection bachelor's degree programme "Sustainable Energy Systems and Electromobility". Are you curious?

Further Information

Awards over awards for IGEP at DGG annual meeting

Preis für den besten Vortrag der NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen

At the annual meeting of the German Geophysical Society (DGG), IGEP members received a downpour of awards. We congratulate Madhuri and her co-authors Andreas Hördt, Johannes Hoppenbrock and Jan Mudler for this award!

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Presentation of the Heinrich Buessing Award to Dr. Benedikt Hampel

On February 10, 2022, Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Hampel from the Institute for Electrical Measurement Science and Fundamental Electrical Engineering was presented with the Heinrich Buessing Award by the Braunschweig University Association. Due to the pandemic, the award winners of the year 2020 had to wait until February 2022.

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Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives: Annual Report 2019–2021

IMAB would like to thank all research partners from academia and industry for their support over the past years and hope you enjoy reading it.

To the report

Annual report 2020/2021 of the elenia Institute for High Voltage Technology and Power Systems

After two years, we are reporting as “elenia Institute for High  Voltage  Technology  and Energy  Systems”  again. Enjoy reading!

Annual Report

State government decides on fourth increase in standard period of study

On 13 January 2022, the Lower Saxony state government decided to extend the standard period of study by up to four semesters.

Information from the Admissions Office


English language courses: Search engine of the International House online

Find specific English and bilingual courses offered by our faculty in the online tool of the International House.

To the overview