Food Chemistry (Master)

Zwei Studentinnen betrachten einen Erlenmeyerkolben am Institut für Mikrobiologie

Key data

Degree Master of Science
Standard duration of study 4 semesters
Language of instruction German
Start of programme winter and summer semester
Admission free admission (special admission requirements)

Food chemistry is a special applied discipline of chemistry, originating from the legal mandate to protect the consumer when handling food.

In addition to the more general task of food analysis, food chemists today also deal with issues regarding nutrition and health, e.g. the functional properties of food and food ingredients, the development of new products and their safe production. One of the goals of food chemistry is to continuously increase knowledge of the composition of food, the reactions that take place in it and the interactions of its ingredients. The degree programme focuses very much on analysing these issues. For this purpose, TU Braunschweig offers its students state-of-the-art equipment.

What is special about TU Braunschweig?

Studying in Europe’s hottest research region

Braunschweig is at the heart of Europe’s research hotspot, where, according to Eurostat, 8.52 per cent of the gross domestic product is spent on research and development. This puts Braunschweig in a top position worldwide. A creative environment, interdisciplinary cooperation and networking between science and business are breeding grounds for outstanding innovations—and are part of everyday life in Braunschweig.

The institutions located in Braunschweig that are directly related to food chemistry and analytics include, among others, the following

  • Braunschweig Integrated Centre for Systems Biology (BRICS)

  • Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)

  • Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)

  • Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)

  • Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut - Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (FLI)

  • Julius Kühn Institute - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI)

  • Leibniz Institute DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH

  • International Research Association Feed Technology e.V. (IFF)

  • Food and Veterinary Institute Braunschweig (LAVES)

Information on the study programme

Admission requirements and application

You can apply for this Master’s degree programme if you have a Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline. You can find more information on the admission requirements in our admission regulations [in German only]. Please carefully read the information provided before you submit your application!

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