Dr. Florian Löbermann

Das Portraitfoto zeigt den Alumnus Florian Löbermann

Degree programme: Educational science

Graduation yeat: 2005

Employer: IHK Braunschweig

Position: Managing Director

What‘s your nicest memory of Braunschweig and do you have a favorite place?

Braunschweig itself is a beautiful city and region, it's my home. My personal highlight was the light/water installations in one of the hottest summers. But I also enjoy the many other cultural (especially musical) events in the region.


Reasons why the TU Braunschweig is a great place to study:

  • Great university
  • Development
  • Expertise


Describe the time of your studies in 3 words:

  • Intensive
  • helpful
  • interesting

Which contents of your studies can you still use in your career today?

Numerous contents still play a major role in my professional life today. Pedagogical and psychological models also have their place and importance in management. I always find this non-traditional management perspective valuable.


Are you still in touch with former fellow students? Do you see each other and if so, how often?

Yes, there are always unplanned encounters.


What advice would you give current students for their personal career planning?

  1. Try it out
  2. Developing passion
  3. ... and turn it into performance

In one sentence - In the future I wish the TU Braunschweig:

The well-deserved status of a University of Excellence - with all the associated elements, desirable developments and the corresponding recognition.

My Braunschweig alma mater and its students are welcome to contact me for:

  • Sharing experience in connection with application processes and career start
  • Guest talks
  • Professional expertise
  • Information about my professional field and tasks

You may contact me via