Dirk Bode, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf.

Das Portraitfoto zeigt den Alumnus Dirk Bode

Degree programme: Business informatics

Graduation year: 1996

Employer: fme AG

Position: CEO

What‘s your nicest memory of Braunschweig and do you have a favorite place?

  • Cohesion among the students, work hard - play hard
  • Favorite places: the parks, the Publication of the student newspaper "Simultan"


Reasons why the TU Braunschweig is a great place to study:

Good mix of business studies and computer science, short distances, good parties


Describe the time of your studies in 3 words:

  • Intensive
  • Freedom
  • Learning

Which contents of your studies can you still use in your career today?

Developing knowledge, many basics


Are you still in touch with former fellow students? Do you see each other and if so, how often?



What advice would you give current students for their personal career planning?

Simply studying is not everything. Involvement in student organizations is also important for personal development.


In one sentence - In the future I wish the TU Braunschweig:

Only the best!

My Braunschweig alma mater and its students are welcome to contact me for:

  • Guest talks and professional expertise on the topic of digitization
  • Role as TU Braunschweig "ambassador"

You may contact me via