Beate Kern, M.Sc.

Das Portraitfoto zeigt die Alumna Beate Kern

Degree programme: Psychology (with a focus on work and organizational psychology & traffic and engineering psychology)

Graduation year: 2011

Employer: OTTO GmbH & Co. KG

Position: HR Manager Organizational Development & Change

What‘s your nicest memory of Braunschweig and do you have a favorite place?

The best moments were the moments and experiences with friends from university. My favorite place was the running track along the Ölper See.


Reasons why the TU Braunschweig is a great place to study:

Everything in one place, great study atmosphere, and great offers from the Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology.


Describe the time of your studies in 3 words:

  • insightful
  • interesting
  • trendsetting

Which contents of your studies can you still use in your career today?

Knowledge of systemic coaching and systemic regularities, experience abroad, self-organization, determination, and a willingness to learn - all things you develop during your studies.


Are you still in touch with former fellow students? Do you see each other and if so, how often?

Yes, irregular contact via LinkedIn or WhatsApp or meetings once a year.


What advice would you give current students for their personal career planning?

  1. Extend your studies for doing internships, even it is only for 6 months. Use this time for trying out things, getting to know different things, and for maturing as a person. There will never be another time when you can try out so many different things.
  2. Go abroad, treat yourself to this experience! Learn more about yourself, learn to get by using another language. You will never forget it.

In one sentence - In the future, I wish the TU Braunschweig:

Lots of great students who are eager to learn and to expand their theoretical knowledge as well as grow their practical skills and take advantage of learning opportunities.

My Braunschweig alma mater and its students are welcome to contact me for:

  • Professional expertise on organisational development and change management
  • Information about my professional field and tasks

You may contact me via