News and dates

News and dates

News from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Here you will find news about events, research and awards of Faculty III of the TU Braunschweig. Students can find semester dates and exam dates here, along with information on registration and deregistration. Current information on individual courses of study can be found in our study groups in Stud.IP. News exclusively concerning the Department of Architecture, such as announcements of architecture lectures, job advertisements and student competitions can be found on this page.

News of the Faculty III

International Study Session Plakat

FK3 | SAVE THE DATE - International Study Session am 02.06.2022

Möchtet ihr ein Auslandssemester oder ein Praktikum im Ausland machen? Infos, Tipps und Hilfestellung bekommt ihr von Studierenden, vom International…

CHE Ingenieurwissenschaften

CHE | Sag, wie (toll) es ist! | Befragung der Studierenden läuft!

Für die Bachelor-Studiengänge Bau, Uming, Verkehr läuft die Befragung durch die Studierenden!