Examination dates

Winter semester 2023/24

The examination dates for the Bachelor's degree programmes for the winter semester 2023/24 can be found on this page or in the file folder Examination dates in the study group of your degree programme in Stud.IP.

There is an overview of the examination dates for the Master's degree programmes in a folder in the TU Braunschweig cloustorage. The link to this can be found in the study group for your degree programme in Stud.IP.

The registration period for the examinations is from 15.12.2023 to 15.01.2024. Please be sure to check the details of your examination registration in the new system https://connect.tu-braunschweig.de with the dates published by us. The exact times and rooms can be found in the announcements of the institutes.

Information for Exchange students: Online registration is only possible for examinations that belong to your own study program. If in single cases online registration does not work, please send an e-mail the international coordinator Stefanie Theil at  international-fk3@tu-braunschweig. We will add the missing examinations individually.

Prüfungstermine WiSe 2024/25 in den Bachelorstudiengängen der Fakultät 3 | Examination dates in the Bachelor's degree programmes of Faculty 3

Prüfungstermine WiSe 2024/25 in den Masterstudiengängen der Fakultät 3 | Examination dates in the Master's degree programmes of Faculty 3

Wir wünschen für die Prüfungsphase gutes Gelingen. | We wish you all the best for the exam period.


Please check your exam registration in the exam portal at:



Students from the Bachelor's and Master's programmes register via the online procedure. This can be found at:



Civil Engineering | Geoecology | Environmental Engineering | Environmental Sciences | Traffic Engineering | Industrial Engineering/Civil Engineering

  • Withdrawal from a written examination can be made online up to two working days prior to the examination (https://connect.tu-braunschweig.de).
  • The withdrawal period for oral examinations is one week.
  • After the deadline, only a justified withdrawal, e.g. with a medical certificate, is possible. The certificate must be submitted to the examination office no later than three working days after it has been issued.

Architecture | Sustainable Design

  • Cancellations of seminars/draft courses are possible up to 14 days after the start of the semester at the Institute.
  • Withdrawal from a written examination can be made online up to two working days prior to the examination (https://connect.tu-braunschweig.de).
  • The withdrawal period for oral examinations is one week.
  • After the deadline, only a justified withdrawal, e.g. with a medical certificate, is possible. The certificate must be submitted to the examination office no later than three working days after it has been issued.