Travel expenses

Due to current circumstances

Due to the current travel and security advice of the German Foreign Office, which strongly advises against travelling to Israel and the Palestinian Territories and warns against travelling to the Gaza Strip, we kindly ask you to cancel your planned and already booked business trips immediately. 

Please check the Federal Foreign Office website regularly for the latest information.

If you are already in these areas on business, please cancel your travel and return as soon as possible.

Please always follow the instructions of the local security forces.

Any additional travel expenses incurred in this connection will of course be reimbursed.

In the area of travel expenses, all travel undertaken by staff members is charged in accordance with the Travel Expenses Act and, in some areas, the necessary travel authorisation.

Team leader travel expenses

Patzwaldt, Axel
Basic matters Travel expenses
Phone: +49(0)531 391-4144
Universitätsplatz 2, Room 203 (2nd floor)

We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding the application, approval, planning and accounting of your business trips. Please contact the following employees:

Questions about Contact person email Phone extension
Business travel matters of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Magdalena Kersch (Part time, Mon - Thu) m.kersch[at] 4187
Business Travel Matters of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Physics as well as the central facilities and the central administration Katrin Kujer and Gerlinde Bergener (Assistant Head of GB 1) k.kujer[at] gerlinde.bergener[at] 4175 (Kujer) 4338 (Bergener)
Business Travel Matters of the Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Faculty as well as the Faculty of Life Sciences Phelin Sackmann phelin.sackmann[at] 4154
Advance payments as well as booking of travel means procured in advance (train tickets, flight tickets, participation fees etc.) Jang Woo Hong (Department 23) jang-woo.hong[at] 4162
A1 Certificates Katrin Kujer k.kujer[at] 4175

Please send faxes to the number +49 (0)531 391-4165.

Current information, notes, circulars and forms are available to employees on the TU Braunschweig intranet in the "Infoportal".

Ticket system (procedure for submitting travel expense reports)

Travel expense reports must be submitted by e-mail to the functional e-mail address assigned to your organizational unit.

The answers to frequently asked questions about the new digital processing in the ticket system can be found here:

FAQ Digital processing in the ticket system