The Further Education Centre is involved in research contexts and is regionally networked in the field of lifelong learning. Some academic continuing education programmes were developed as part of research projects.
The ZfW is currently participating in the EFZN research programme TEN.efzn, which aims to create new impetus for the energy transition throughout Lower Saxony.
An AI-based, virtual learning companion for continuing vocational training has been developed since 2021 with the involvement of the Central Office for Continuing Education. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training funded the joint project StudyBuddy from the INVITE innovation competition.
As part of the BMAS project "Highlighting continuing education in transformation - strengthening companies" (01/08/2024 - 31/07/2027), "ko:nect with us" was created as a regional network of continuing education stakeholders working to improve the framework conditions for continuing education. The ZfW has been a project partner of Kooperative Weiterbildung SüdOstNiedersachsen since the start of the project in 2021.
The Project House, the University Library and the Institute for Information Systems have developed the academic continuing education programme DigitalSkills@work in a joint funding project of the „Offenen Hochschule Niedersachsen“. The Further Education Centre provided organisational support for the programme until 2024. Prior to this, the ISW piloted and evaluated the further education pool engineering sciences "excellent mobil" with 19 continuing education modules (2011 to 2017) as part of the BMBF "Verbundprojekt Mobilitätswirtschaft" and partly consolidated it via the Further Education Centre.
Our services for continuing academic education
Academic degree programmes and their modules, like undergraduate degree programmes, are supported centrally by TU Braunschweig and its faculties. The Further Education Centre supports the establishment, organisation and quality assurance of the courses; the faculty is responsible for the respective degree and the university committees (Senate and Commission for Studies and Continuing Education (KSW)) are involved in the establishment of such courses.
Further information on the continuing education concept at TU Braunschweig can be found under Continuing Education "at your Demand". This concept was developed by the Vice President for Studies and Cooperation in collaboration with the Further Education Centre and approved by the Presidential Board of TU Braunschweig in June 2016.
Continuing education with strategy
TU Braunschweig is continuing to develop its continuing education programme with the audit from the Stifterverband and the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation. The process began in summer 2022 with a kick-off workshop. This kick-off workshop marked the beginning of the analysis phase of the audit in Braunschweig, which was followed by a two-day visit by the group of auditors in January 2023. The audit will end with a final feedback meeting in January 2024 with the aim of strategically developing academic continuing education and combining research expertise with didactic competence.
The Further Education Centre is a long-standing institutional member of the German Association for Continuing Education and Distance Learning DGWF.
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Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0