TU Braunschweig offers a number of continuing education programmes. In addition to traditional continuing education events, these also include a number of conferences and congresses, such as the "Braunschweiger Brandschutztage" (Braunschweig Fire Protection Days conference).
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We would be glad to inform you about our scientific training programmes. Our current programmes are offered in German, so you will find a selection here.
Research focus
Within the transfer service, the Further Education Centre (ZfW) is involved in research contexts and is regionally networked in the field of lifelong learning. Some scientific continuing education programmes were developed as part of research projects. The Further Education Centre ZfW is currently involved in the new research programme of the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN) "Transformation of the Lower Saxony Energy System" (TEN.efzn; 2024-2029) and in "ko:nect with us - The Continuing Education Network", a regional network of continuing education stakeholders working to improve the framework conditions for continuing education. It was created in the research project Kooperative Weiterbildung SüdOstNiedersachsen (2021-2027).
Our services for academic further education
Academic degree programmes and their modules, like undergraduate degree programmes, are supported centrally by TU Braunschweig and its faculties. The Further Education Centre supports the establishment, organisation and quality assurance of the courses. The faculty is responsible for the respective degree and the university committees (Senate and Commission for Studies and Continuing Education (KSW)) are involved in the establishment of such courses.
Further information on the concept for further education at TU Braunschweig can be found under further education "at your demand". This concept was developed by the Vice President for Studies and Cooperation in collaboration with the Further Education Centre and approved by the TU Braunschweig Executive Board in June 2016.
The Further Education Centre is a long-standing institutional member of the German Association for Continuing Education and Distance Learning DGWF.
CALL: Use hoch & weit - the nationwide continuing education portal for universities - for your programmes: video clip. Of the 359 universities with continuing education programmes, more than 70% have entered information about their continuing education programmes in hoch & weit. Annette Bartsch is responsible for entering your programmes on behalf of TU Braunschweig.
Phone: 0531-391-94300
Contact person: Annette Bartsch
FURTHER EDUCATION INTEREST TEST: In 2022, around 13,000 people interested in further education visited hoch & weit, while by the end of 2023 there were already more than 30,000 interested persons. In addition, the further education interest test has already been completed around 9,000 times.