Dr. Noemi Friedman
Dr. Jaroslav Vondřejc
Stephan Lenz
Lecture: Wed 9:45-11:15 in room PK 3.4. (Pockelsstraße 3, Am Okerufer, Hochhaus, 205)
First lecture: 28.10.2015.
Attention: Exercises and Tutorials will start about 30 minutes earlier.
Exercises: Friday 15:30 - 16:15, room 65.4 (Hans SommerStr. 65).
Tutorials: Friday 16:15 - 17:00, room 65.4 (Hans SommerStr. 65).
Target group
Office hours
17.08.2016. 9:30 - 11:00, in room 812, Mühlenpfordtstr. 23 (Seminarraum WiRe)
The results of the exam will be announced on Monday, 5th September, at 13:00 in Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, room 812 (seminar room), 8th floor.
29.2.2016., 10:30 - 12:00, room ZI 24.1 (Zimmerstraße 24 D (Grotrian), 008)
Information about the exam:
In the exam it is possible to use one page of size A4 with hand written notes, other than that, only pen and a calculator is needed.
A script for the lecture is available HERE.
To download books and papers here: http://www.biblio.tu-bs.de/semapp/, click on Prof. Hermann G. Matthies "Introduction to PDEs and Numerical Methods" and "Numerical methods for PDEs" and then on the corresponding buttons "Volltext anzeigen" (please, use the given password but without the '1').
To obtain full points explain your solutions thoroughly and self-consistently with all necessary intermediate conclusions and calculation steps as to leave no doubt about the correctness and your understanding. Structure programmes nicely and with comments and argue why you think that it works. Support your reasons with necessary plots, examples, etc. so that it becomes obvious.
Hint: Please, submit your assignments at the beginning of lecture or into a postbox of Institute für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen in Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, (ground floor at right side from the main entrance); software should be submitted to email address wire.pde(at)gmail.com Always indicate your names and imatriculation number!
Fenics (software for finite element modelling):