Lecturer Prof. H.G. Matties, PhD
Assistant Elmar Zander
Schedule Lecture: Wed 11:30-13:00 Uhr in room RZ 012 (Computing Center)
Exercises: Thu 12:15-13:00 Uhr in room HS 66.3 (110) (E-Technik Zentrum)
Start First week of the semester
Prerequisites Basic courses up to the intermediate diploma
Target group Students of computer science, mathematics, natural or engineering sciences or guest students in their advanced study period, CSE students
Certificates Homework assignments and active participation in the exercises, tests, grading scheme
Office hours will be announced in the lecture
Literature will be announced in the lecture.
Assignment 1: assign1.pdf, assign1.ps
Solution: ass1ex1.m
Assignment 2: assign2.pdf, assign2.ps
Solution: ass2ex23.nb
Assignment 3: assign3.pdf, assign3.ps
Assignment 4: assign4.pdf, assign4.ps
Assignment 5: assign5.pdf, assign5.ps
Assignment 6: assign6.pdf, assign6.ps
FEM framework: fem1d.zip, fem1d.tar.gz
Solution: fem_deval.m, fem_h1error.m, fem_matrix.m, fem_solve.m, ass6ex3ab.m
Assignment 7: assign7.pdf, assign7.ps
Solution: ass7ex1.m, ass7ex1to4.nb
Assignment 8: assign8.pdf, assign8.ps
Adpative FEM framework: adapfem_new.zip, adapfem_new.tar.gz
Assignment 9: assign9.pdf, assign9.ps
The first test will take place on the Jun. 14, 2003 from 10:00 to 10:45 in Room RZ012 of the computing center.
For the grading of the tests to this lecture see here.