

School location:

About Brunswick:

Information presented by the Department of City Marketing



Guide to the Institute:

Arrival by train

To get from the main train station to the Mendelssohnstraße by bus or tram, you can use the following route:

  • by bus line 419 (direction 'Hauptbahnhof') or line 439 (direction 'Donaustraße') from the main station to the stop Gliesmaroder Straße
  • by tram line 3 or line 8 (direction 'Volkmarode') to the stop Grabenstraße
  • short walk along Gliesmaroder Strasse, Beethovenstraße (see map of eastern campus)
  • Arrival by car

    Coming from the direction of Hannover: A2 to the junction Braunschweig Nord, A391 to the junction Ölper. Then: A392 in the direction 'Stadtmitte' to the branching-off Braunschweig Hamburger Straße, Hamburger Straße in the direction of the City center, Rebenring, Hans-Sommer-Straße (see map of City Center), Beethovenstraße, Mendelssohnstraße (see map of eastern campus).

    Coming from the direction of Kassel: A7 to the Salzgitter junction, A39 to the junction Braunschweig Südwest, A391 to the junction Ölper. Then: A392 in the direction 'Stadtmitte' to the branching-off Braunschweig Hamburger Straße, Hamburger Straße in the direction of the City center, Rebenring, Hans-Sommer-Straße (see map of City Center), Beethovenstraße, Mendelssohnstraße (see map of eastern campus).

    Coming from the direction of Berlin: leave A2 at the exit Braunschweig-Ost, turn right and follow the B 248 for several kilometers. After passing below the railway tracks turn right at the second traffic light into Beethovenstraße. Next right into Mendelssohnstraße (see map of eastern campus).

    Arrival by plane

    The nearest international airport is Hannover airport. It is connected to the main Hannover train station by express bus line 60.