Research project in the field of basic research
This project is sponsored by the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony within the scope of the programm Pro Niedersachsen: Research Projects in the Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences
Research Question
Satellite data concerning night light emissions from earth can provide information about economic activities in states, countries and regions. At the same time light emissions prove to be a good indicator for the energy intensity of the production. Due to light emissions, we can devise an objective indicator for the global energy consumption, while being independent from consumption data collected by states. This project’s goal is to develop a solely physical measurement for energy consumption. Based on this we want to examine, whether, and if so how reductions of emissions in industrial countries cause an increase in emissions in developing and threshold countries.
Project run-time
Project team
Prof. Dr. Christian Leßmann und Arne Steinkraus
Co-operation partner
Prof. Dr. Marcel Thum (TU Dresden)
André Seidel (TU Dresden)