Inspection, categorization and damage analysis of the photographic media in the university archive

Inspection, categorization and damage analysis of the photographic media in the university archive

The Braunschweig University Archive also has a large stock of photographic media (approx. 7,000 photographs, numerous negatives and around 96,000 slides) with the associated "Collection for Architecture and Engineering" (SAIB). To date, digital photos have been acquired on a smaller scale, mainly as part of the acquisition of professorial estates.

As part of a project funded by the "Koordinierungsstelle für die Erhaltung des schriftlichen Schriftguts" (KEK) in 2019, a priority list for the digitization of this collection was drawn up. Its many tasks include funding model projects that serve to preserve written cultural assets in archives, libraries, museums, collections, etc.


Katrin Stump, M.A.,
Tanja Wolf

Juni 2019 - Dezember 2019

Funded by
Koordinierungsstelle für die Erhaltung des schriftlichen Schriftguts (KEK)

Raising public awareness for the preservation of cultural written heritage is also one of the CEC's tasks. In order to use the funds as diversely as possible, the topics of the CEC model project funding vary from year to year. The University Archive's project from 2019 had the motto "Prevention pays off".