Image pool - missing content

The general image pool in the university's TYPO3 system is available to all editors to illustrate websites and make them more attractive.

In some websites, you want to integrate images because they make the pages more appealing, convey a certain feeling or represent a place. Our TYPO3 system has a general image pool for this reason. Here you will find pictures of the campuses, students, staff or symbols that can be used to illustrate the web pages. The TU Braunschweig has all the necessary rights to these images and they are constantly being adapted and supplemented. 

Do you already know our image pool? Do you use it? Can you find all the images you need?

We would be delighted to receive feedback on this at webredaktion(at) This will help us to better adapt the image pool to the needs of our decentralised editors in the future. If the images you are looking for do not exist, we would collect them and try to make them available on an ongoing basis.