
TU Braunschweig pursues the strategic approach of holistic development to excellence. The basis is formed by a consistently action-guiding orientation towards sustainability. In June 2024, the Senate and Executive Board adopted the sustainability strategy for TU Braunschweig.

The strategy paper is currently being translated into English. You can download the German version here.

What happens next?

In the next step, new activities will be identified, prioritised and implemented to put our sustainability strategy into practice over and above the measures already in place.


Digital Town Hall

The strategy was presented to the university public as part of the President's Digital Town Hall. The most important aspects of the strategy were presented and the vision, understanding of sustainability and goals were explained. During the event, there was also an opportunity to ask questions and share comments. You can find the presentation of the event here (German version only; login required).

Workshops to develop measures

Schild Nachhaltigkeit

As part of the development of measures for the sustainability strategy, we offer workshops on individual topics. All members of TU Braunschweig are invited to participate. Registration is via StudIP. At the moment there are only workshops in German available. Please contact us, if you are interested in an English workshop.

Thank you!

The Sustainability Committee is delighted with the large number of responses to the survey on the sustainability strategy. A total of 1362 people sent in a complete questionnaire.

The participants were:

516 Students
360 Research associates
357 Employees in tech. and admin.
102 Professors
77 Others

They have indicated their affiliation as follows:

140 Faculty 1
212 Faculty 2
258 Faculty 3
289 Faculty 4
123 Faculty 5
116 Faculty 6
147 Central facility, designated office
89 Central administration
8 Other

Thank you very much for your participation!