
teach4tumorrow Logo

The "Teach4TUmorrow" project aims to enhance awareness of sustainability in higher education in alignment with the sustainability strategy of TU Braunschweig. Our focus is on promoting education for sustainable development (ESD) across all degree programs in order to equip students with the necessary expertise and skills required to address current and future challenges of sustainable transformation.

How we provide support:

Our primary aim is to assist educators in creating courses that embody the principles of education for sustainable development. We provide support through expert input, workshops, guidelines, and personalized consultation. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a fundamental foundation for the project. For more details on each of the SDGs, please click here.


  • Analysis of module handbooks and course descriptions for their relevance to the SDGs (content analysis)
  • Consideration of personal feedback from educators
  • Provision of recommendations and incentives
  • Development of opportunities for skill enhancement
  • Monitoring

Your expertise and feedback are crucial for the success of "Teach4TUmorrow". Therefore, we look forward to close collaboration with you. Are you interested in supporting the project or would you like to share questions or suggestions? Do not hesitate to contact us! We look forward to your message and constructive feedback.


Updates & events

Teach4TUmorrow Talks: ESD in Teaching (11th June 2024):

Students are considered the "change agents" of tomorrow's society. To strive for opportunities for a sustainable future in various aspects of life, academic institutions must contribute through their teaching and research. But how can sustainability topics be more effectively integrated into teaching? We explored this question together with educators during our Sustainability Action Days. Together with Hannah Maschong (Klimabildung e.V.), we examined what SDGs are and what role they can play in higher education. We have gathered the results of our workshop, as well as guidelines and literature*. Based on your feedback and suggestions, we are developing new offerings for the Winter Semester 2024/25.

 Results & Literature

*Our working language and results are in German. If you wish for English content, please let us know, so we can provide bilingual materials.