The Term “fair“

The term "fair" is deeply rooted in our language. In the German-speaking world, "fair(ness)" is often used in the context of justice, equality, access, peace or inclusion. As an adjective, "fair" stands for positive qualities such as: decent, honourable, honest, orderly, faultless, comradely, correct, legitimate, or the like (see Duden). However, the term can also be read in a racist way and have a hurtful effect if it is interpreted in the context of the colonial construction of "skin colour". An example of this view is shared here:

We, the Green Office of the TU Braunschweig, have used this as an opportunity to take a critical look at its meaning. We have decided to avoid the term for the time being and to replace it in future with the correct content (e.g. "Gerechter Welthandel [World trade in justice]" instead of "Fairtrade”. However, as TU Braunschweig is actively working for more justice in international trade and is applying for the "Fairtrade Universities" award for this, the term is not replaceable in some places (e.g. in proper names of organisations, labels, campaigns and concepts). In those cases, we will reserve the right to quote it, mark it with this reference and thus draw attention to the context and a critical use of language. We are aware that "Fairtrade" represents a registered trademark representing high social and environmental standards and is thus known to a large circle of people.

We invite people to openly question our language. As the Green Office of the TU Braunschweig, we are particularly concerned with using language that is as non-violent and discrimination-sensitive as possible. Because language creates reality and can contribute to structural discrimination. We are aware that words have and convey several levels of meaning, messages and connotations. Reflective use of language can reveal and critically question discriminating messages and exclusions.

This text was prepared by the Green Office Hildesheim made available to us.


More tips on the topic of non-violent language: