

On this page, you will find the dates and topics for the colloquium hosted by the Institute for Mathematical Stochastics at the Technical University of Braunschweig. Everyone interested is warmly invited to attend. Additionally, we would like to draw attention to the following lecture series:

Current lectures:

  • 08.01.25, 5 PM – Sebastian Andres
  • 15.01.25, 5 PM – Karolina Klockmann (Uni Kassel)
  • 22.01.25, 5 PM – Antrittsvorlesung Merz (AG Bach)
  • 29.01.25, 5 PM – Sebastian Mentemeier (Uni Hildesheim)

Vergangene Vorträge:

  • Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024, 13 Uhr, Raum: tba, Professor Suhasini Subbarao (Texas A&M University College Station): “Graphical models for multivariate non-stationary time series”
  • 13. November 2024, MSc Péter Juhász (Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University): Random Connection Hypergraphs
  • 05. Juni 2024, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus (Institut für Statistik, Universität Bremen): Multiple testing of partial conjunction null hypotheses, with application to replicability analysis of high-dimensional studies
  • 12. Juni 2024, Prof. Dr. Max von Renesse (Mathematisches Institut der Universität Leipzi): "A central Limit Theorem for the Modified Massive Arratia Flow" 
  • 12. Juni 2024, MSc Marie-Christin Bormann (Mathematisches Institut der Universität Leipzig): „Functional Inequalities for Brownian motion on Riemannian manifolds with sticky-reflecting boundary diffusion“
  • 19. Juni 2024, Univ. Ass. Dr. rer. nat. Karsten Reichold (Institute for Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics TU Wien) Bootstrap Inference in Panels of Cointegrating Regressions with Global Stochastic Trends (joint work with Carsten Jentsch and Christoph Hanck)
  • 17. April 2024, Prof. Dr. Natalie Neumeyer (Universität Hamburg): Statistical Inference for the Error Distribution in Functional Linear Models
  • 17. Januar 2024, Dr. Alexander Zass (WIAS Berlin): A model for colloids: Diffusion dynamics for two-type hard spheres and the associated depletion effect

  • 23. November 2023, Prof. Stahl (Talanx AG und Vorstand der HDI AG)

  • 23. - 25. August 2023, Dr. Stefan Richter (Universität Heidelberg) Vortragsreihe zum Thema Physical Dependence and Its Application to High Dimensional Statistics
  • 18. Juli 2023, Dr. Stefan Richter (Universität Heidelberg) Asymptotic Theory for Constant Step Size Stochastic Gradient Descent
  • 03. Mai 2023, Dr. Marius Kroll (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) An Independent Block Bootstrap for the Distance Covariance and a Bound for the Wasserstein Distance
  • 02. Februar 2023, Prof. Dr. Tim Hoheisel (McGill University Montreal Kanada) The maximum entropy on the mean method for linear inverse problems and beyond
  • 20. Juli 2022, Prof. Dr. Andrey A. Dorogovtsev (Institute of Mathematics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) Dynamical Systems, Flows and Stochastic Analysis
  • 15. Juni 2022, Dr. Sophie Langer (Twente) Image classification: A (new) statistical viewpoint

  • 14. Juni 2022, Dr. Jonas Krampe (Mannheim) Frequency domain methods for high dimensional time series 

  • 10. Juni 2022, Dr. Fabian Mies (Aachen) Sequential Gaussian approximation for nonstationary time series

  •  25. Januar 2022, Prof. Dr. Christian Bender (Universität des Saarlandes) „Regression Anytime“ with brute-force SVD truncation
  • 02. November 2021, Prof. Dr. Natalia Smorodina (St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia) Resolvent processes
  • 22. Juli 2021, Dipl.Ing. Maximilian Arbeiter, BSc. (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) Simulation of human behavior for the generation of statistical validation data
  • 27. Mai 2021, Prof. Dr. Guiseppe Cavaliere (Department of Economics, University of Bologna) A helicopter tour on random limit bootstrap measures
  • 11. September 2020, Prof. Dr. Rainer von Sachs (Universität Louvain-La-Neuve in Belgien) 
  • 22. Januar 2020: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Trabs (Universität Hamburg) Dispersal inference across scales
  • 09. Januar 2020: Prof. Dr. Norbert Henze (KIT) Verständnisorientierter Stochastikunterricht am Gymnasium: Anforderungen an die Lehrerbildung 
  • 19. September 2019: Dr. Tanja Schindler (Australian National University, Canberra) Strong (and other) laws under trimming - a comparison between iid random variables and dynamical systems
  • 04. Juli 2019: Dr. Tobias Kley (University of Bristol) Error bounds for the normal approximation of the empirical cross-covariances
  • 24. Juni 2019: Prof. Dr. Marcus C. Christiansen (Universität Oldenburg) Infinitesimal martingale representations and their application in life insurance
  • 3. Juni 2019: Dr. Anne Van Delft (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
  • 14. Januar 2019: JProf. Dr. Marlin Ulmer (TU Braunschweig) Approximate dynamic programming for dynamic vehicle routing
  • 29. Juni 2017: Dr. Alexandra Carpentier (Universität Potsdam) Estimation of the sparsity of a paramter in the Gaussian model
  • 19. Juni 2017: Dr. Anja Janssen (University of Copenhagen) The time change formula for multivariate regularly varying time series
  • 11. Mai 2017: Dr. Stefan Richter (Universität Heidelberg) Adaptive bandwidth selectors for locally stationary processes
  • 24. Juni 2016: Olena Ragulina PhD (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) Smoothness and estimation of the survival probabilities in some risk models with investment
  • 6. Juli 2016: Dr. Lukas Kölbl (TU Wien) Estimation of VAR systems from mixed frequency data: The stock and the flow case
  • 7. Juli 2016: Karl Gregory PhD (Universität Mannheim) Optimal estimation of sparse high-dimensional additive models
  • 14. Juli 2015: Alexander Aue (UC Davis) On the prediction of stationary functional time series
  • 09. Juni 2015: Siegfried Hörmann (Université libre de Bruxelles) Dynamic functional principal components
  • 02. Juni 2015: Claudia Kirch (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg) Change-points in high dimensional settings
  • 14. Juli 2011: Florian Fuchs (TU München) Spectral representation of multivariate regularly varying Lévy and CARMA processes
  • 30. Mai 2011: Prof. Dr. Yimin Xiao (Michigan State University, USA) Sample path properties of continuous-time random walk limits
  • 08. Februar 2011: Dr. Alexander Schnurr (Technische Universität Dortmund) On a Levy driven well-balanced Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
  • 21. Januar 2010: Prof. Dr. Alexander Szimayer (Universität Bonn) The uncertain force of mortality framework: Pricing unit-linked life insurance contracts
  • 19. Januar 2010: Dr. Joseph Tadjuidje (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern) Nonparametric time series with sudden changes in structure
  • 12. Januar 2010: Prof. Dr. Manfred Deistler (Technische Universität Wien) General aspects and Structure
  • 01. Dezember 2009: Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer (Universität Münster) Stochastische Fixpunktgleichungen
  • 29. September 2009: Sakuma Noriyoshi (Keio University, Japan) Free generalized gamma convolutions
  • 19. Mai 2009: Prof. Dr. Abdelhak M. Zoubir (Technische Universität Darmstadt): Some Applications of Robust Statistics in Signal Processing.
  • 07. Mai 2009: Dr. Marcus C. Christiansen (Universität Rostock): Sensitivitäts- und Worst-Case-Analysen in der Personenversicherung
  • 28. April 2009: Prof. Dr. Peter J. Brockwell (Colorado State University): Carma(p,q) Generalized Random Processes.
  • 31. März 2009: Dr. Vicky Fasen (Technische Universität München): Modeling Network Traffic by a Poisson Cluster Input Process with Heavy and Light Tailed File Sizes.
  • 10. Februar 2009: Prof. Dr. Jörg Rahnenführer (Technische Universität Dortmund): Statistische Methoden zur Schätzung von Tumorprogression aus genetischen Daten.
  • 06. Februar 2009: Prof. Dr. Gennady Samorodnitsky (Universität Cornell): Geometric characteristics of the excursion sets over high levels of non-Gaussian infinitely divisible random fields.
  • 20. Januar 2009: Dr. Claudia Kirch (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern): TFT-Bootstrap: Resampling von Zeitreihen im Frequenzbereich um Realisationen im Zeitbereich zu erhalten.
  • 18. Dezember 2008: Prof. Dr. Efstathios Paparoditis (Universität Nicosia, Zypern): Hybrid Bootstrap for Locally Stationary Time Series.
  • 09. Dezember 2008: Prof. Dr. Theofanis Sapatinas (Universität Nicosia, Zypern: Functional Deconvolution in a Periodic Setting.
  • 25. November 2008: Prof. Dr. Panagiotis Mantalos (Universität Lund, Schweden): Bootstrap Hypothesis - Testing in the Linear Model.
  • 04. November 2008: Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Collamore (Universität Kopenhagen, Dänemark): Random recurrence equations and ruin in a Markov-dependent stochastic economic environment.
  • 27. Oktober 2008: Prof. Dr. Thomas Mikosch (Universität Kopenhagen, Dänemark): Inverse problems for regular variation.
  • 08. Juli 2008: Prof. Dr. Markus Reiß (Universität Heidelberg): Nonlinear Estimation for statistical inverse Problems with error in the opperator.
  • 27. Mai 2008: Prof. Dr. Ole Barndorff-Nielsen (Universität Aarhus, Dänemark): Turbulence Stochastics.
  • 20. Mai 2008: Dr. John Schoenmakers (WIAS Berlin): Holomorphic transforms with application to affine processes.