
"Deutschlandstipendium" at Technische Universität Braunschweig

The application phase for the academic year 2024/25 will take place from May 27, 2024 to June 24, 2024 (23:59).


What will be awarded?

For the winter semester 2024/25, the TU Braunschweig is awarding the scholarships EUR 300 per month for a funding period of two semesters (2024/25 winter semester and 2025 summer semester).


Who can apply?

You can apply for a "Deutschlandstipendium" if you

  • are enrolled at the TU Braunschweig in the summer semester 2024 and will be within the standard period of study in the winter semester 2024/25, or
  • if you are planning to start your studies at the TU Braunschweig in the winter semester 2024/25 (in order to receive funding, you must start your studies in the winter semester 2024/25 at the TU Braunschweig).

International Students are explicitly encouraged to apply!

PhD students cannot be awarded with this scholarship.


Award criteria

The "Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz" clearly states that universities have to award the scholarship first and foremost due to "talent and academic performance". Social commitment, a strong sense of (social) responsibility or challenging personal circumstances may also be taken into consideration. The scholarship is awarded without consideration of personal or parental income.

Application portal

Please use the new application portal for your application under the following link:

As a student of the TU Braunschweig you can log in with your Single Sign On (SSO) ID. If you would like to start your studies in the winter semester 2024/25, you can create a guest account. Please keep your access data safe so you can log into the portal in the future, to adapt your application during the application phase, to receive feedback on your application or to apply again next year.

How can I apply and which documents do I need to send along?

As a student of the TU Braunschweig you can log in with your Single Sign On (SSO) ID. If you would like to start your studies in the winter semester 2024/25, you can create a guest account. Please keep your access data safe so you can log into the portal in the future, to adapt your application during the application phase, to receive feedback on your application or to apply again next year.

Your complete application consists of:

  • Online application including letter of motivation and application agreement
  • a tabular curriculum vitae,
  • Your proof of performance (performance up to and including the winter semester 2023/24),
  • if necessary, further evidence or certificates.

As proof of performance, please send:

  • If you are at least in the 2nd semester: your transcript of records up to the winter semester 2023/24 or your complete transcript of records up to the winter semester 2023/24.
  • If you are going to start studying for a bachelor’s degree or a state examination in the winter semester 2024/25: your high school diploma or your higher education entrance qualification.
  • if you will start a master's degree in the winter semester 2024/25: your overall bachelor's certificate or a complete overview of your academic achievements from the previous bachelor's degree including proof of achievement.

During the application process you will be asked for your average grade, which you calculate yourself from your individual grades and the associated credit points or semester hours per week. Please include all completed examinations in this average grade.

When it comes to the question of which achievements must be included here, the following rule applies:

  • In the higher semester: Every grade that is relevant for your final grade must be included here. Any academic achievement that is either not graded at all or its grade is irrelevant to your final grade may not be included here. As a student in a Diplomstudium (Direct master studies) in the main study, please calculate the grade from your performance in the main study. Please send your intermediate Vordiplom as an attachment with your application.
  • If you are starting a course of study in the 2024/25 winter semester with the aim of completing a bachelor’s degree or a state examination, please state your high school graduation grade and send your high school diploma as an
  • If you start a master’s degree in the winter semester 2024/25, please state your overall bachelor’s grade and send your bachelor’s certificate as an attachment. If you do not yet have your bachelor’s grade and/or your bachelor’s certificate, the weighted average grade of all examinations from the previous bachelor’s degree.

Failed exams must also be stated (exception: failed so-called "zero attempts").

Please also state the total number of credit points or hours per week per semester (examination and study achievements up to and including the winter semester 2023/24) in the application. If you start a course in the winter semester 2024/25, please enter "180" in the query.

Pharmacy students, in addition to their grades, please also submit the certificate of the 1st state examination, if this is already available!

What else do I need to know?

Only complete applications submitted in the correct form and by the deadline will be considered!

Applications by e-mail are not in the correct form and will result in rejection.

After submitting your application, please check it again for completeness.

As a Deutschlandstipendium  holder, you cannot receive double funding. This means that funding in this program is not possible for you if you already receive a scholarship from another body (e.g. a scholarship from the TU Braunschweig or a foundation).

More Informations:

Guideline for awarding the Deutschlandstipendium at the TU Braunschweig.