Agarwal S., Sane L., Fernandes X. R., Shu B.;
MID-IR laser absorption spectroscopy of 1- and 2-butanol in a shock tube facility.
Combustion and Flame
Ahuis M., Doose S., Vogt D., Michalowski P., Zellmer S., Kwade A.;
Recycling of solid-state batteries.
Nature Energy
Al-Kharabsheh D., Geese A., Müller R.;
changING-Ein Forschungsclub im Exzellenzcluster SE2A
Didaktik der Physik Frühjahrstagung –Bonn 2020
Al-Kharabsheh D., Geese A., Müller R.;
Der Aufbau des Forschungsclubs changING: ingenieurdidaktisches Konzept auf Basis der Interessens- und Selbstwirksamkeit
Al-Kharabsheh D., Geese A., Müller R.;
Setting-up a research club for high school students: an engineering educational concept based on increasing both interest and self-efficacy.
Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Alihussein H., Prasannakumar A., Geier M., Krafczyk M.;
Direct cumulant lattice Boltzmann simulations of transitional flow in gyroidal structures including experimental validation.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Alt K., Thamm K., Grappadelli C. M., Soldenhoff v. R., Lüdeke H., Scholz P.;
A Traversable Flow Probe to Measure Laminar Boundary Layer Properties over Suction Skins.
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023
Antonau I., Warnakulasuriya S., Ansar T., Wüchner R., Airaudo F., Löhner R., Antil H.;
Comparison of the First Order Algorithms to Solve System Identification Problems of High-Fidelity Digital Twins.
Antonau I., Warnakulasuriya S., Baars S., Baimuratov I., Wittenborg T., Kreuzeberg L., Attravanam A., Wüchner R.;
Challenges in realizing 3rd generation multidisciplinary design optimization.
Advances in Computational Science and Engineering (ACSE)
Asaro S., Cavaliere D., Fezans N., Bauknecht A.;
System Identification and Control of a Circulation Control Airfoil for Gust Load Alleviation.
Asaro S., Khalil K., Bauknecht A.;
Unsteady Characterization of Fluidic Flow Control Devices for Gust Load Alleviation.
Springer International Publishing
Asaro S., Lüer L., Bauknecht A.;
Experimental Characterization of a Dual-Slot Coandă Actuator for Load Reduction.
Asaro S., Lüer L., Bauknecht A.;
Experimental load modification on a dual-slot circulation control airfoil.
Exp Fluids
Asgari A., Hanisch V. L., Anspach J., Franzki J., Kahn M., Kurrat M., Henke M.;
Reliability of Insulation Systems and Its Impact on Electric Machine Design for Automotive and Aviation Applications.
Asgari A., Henke M.;
Topology Analysis of Electric Machines for a Specific Mission Profile in Aviation Applications.
Baimuratov I.;
Diagrammatic Reasoning for ALC Visualization with Logic Graphs.
Bajrami J., Zimmermann P., Dinkelacker F.;
Experimental investigation and modeling of boundary layer flashback for non-swirling premixed prevaporized n-propanol/air and /isopropanol/air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Bajrami J., Zimmermann P., Dinkelacker F.;
Experimental investigation of the flame stability limits of n-propanol/air and iso-propanol/air flames
31. Deutscher Flammentag - für nachhaltige Verbrennung
Barke A., Bley T., Thies C., Weckenborg C., Spengler S. T.;
Are Sustainable Aviation Fuels a Viable Option for Decarbonizing Air Transport in Europe? An Environmental and Economic Sustainability Assessment.
Applied Sciences
Barke A., Cistjakov W., Steckermeier D., Thies C., Popien J., Michalowski P., Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Krewer U., Kwade A., Spengler S. T.;
Green batteries for clean skies: Sustainability assessment of lithium‐sulfur all‐solid‐state batteries for electric aircraft.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Barke A., Sodhi S. M., Thies C., Spengler S. T.;
Linking life cycle sustainability assessment and the sustainable development goals – Calculation of goal achievement.
Barke A., Thies C., Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Spengler S. T.;
Comparison of conventional and electric passenger aircraft for short-haul flights – A life cycle sustainability assessment.
Barke A., Thies C., Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Spengler S. T.;
Maintenance, repair, and overhaul of aircraft with novel propulsion concepts – Analysis of environmental and economic impacts.
Barke A., Thies C., Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Spengler S. T.;
Socio-economic life cycle assessment of future aircraft systems.
Barke A., Thies C., Popien J., Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Spengler S. T.;
Life cycle sustainability assessment of potential battery systems for electric aircraft.
Bauer S. R., Inkermann D.;
Proceedings of the Design Society
Bauknecht A., Beyer Y., Schultz J., Asaro S., Khalil K., Römer U., Steen M., Cavaliere D., Fezans N.;
Novel Concepts for Active Load Alleviation.
Bauknecht A., Siebert F., Khalil K.;
Fluidic Actuation for Gust Load Reduction on an Aircraft Wing
9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
Beckemeier C., Fauth L., Friebe J.;
Implementation and Validation of a Long-Term Measurement System for Single Event Burnout at High Altitude.
Beckemeier C., Friebe J.;
Novel current balancing method for HF interleaved converters with reduced control effort
Beyer Y., Cavaliere D., Bramsiepe K., Khalil K., Bauknecht A., Fezans N., Steen M., Hecker P.;
An Aeroelastic Flight Dynamics Model for Gust Load Alleviation of Energy-Efficient Passenger Airplanes.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Beyer Y., Gücker F., Bremers E., Steen M., Hecker P.;
Incremental Passive Fault-Tolerant Control for Quadrotors With up to Three Successive Rotor Failures
Beyer Y., Steen M., Hecker P.;
Boosted Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion for Flexible Airplane Gust Load Alleviation.
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Beyer Y., Steen M., Hecker P.;
Incremental Passive Fault-Tolerant Control for Quadrotors Subjected to Complete Rotor Failures.
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Beyer Y., Ullah J., Steen M., Hecker P.;
Unsteady Nonlinear Lifting Line Model for Active Gust Load Alleviation of Airplanes.
CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Blech C., Appel K. C., Ewert R., Delfs W. J., Langer C. S.;
Numerical prediction of passenger cabin noise due to jet noise by an ultra–high–bypass ratio engine.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Blech C., Hüpel Y., Langer S.;
Modelling Aspects for High-fidelity, Large-scale Aircraft Cabin Noise Simulations
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)
Blech C., Langer C. S.;
Wave-resolving aircraft fuselage model for cabin noise predictions under distributed fluid loadings
Blech C., Sreekumar K. H., Römer U., Bollhöfer M., Langer C. S.;
Ein adaptives hybrides Verfahren zur Modellordnungsreduktion von dynamischen Systemen im Frequenzbereich
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), Berlin
Blechschmidt D., Mimic D.;
A Machine-Learning Approach for the Prediction of Time-Averaged Unsteady Flow in Turbomachinery.
Bordekar H., Cersullo N., Brysch M., Philipp J., Hühne C.;
eXplainable artificial intelligence for automatic defect detection in additively manufactured parts using CT scan analysis.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Bramsiepe K., Braune M., Krüger W., Tichy L.;
Wind Tunnel Experiment with an EPP-Wing to Investigate Aeroelastic Effects of Nonlinear Elastic Stiffnesses
Bramsiepe K., Klimmek T., Krüger W., Tichy L.;
Aeroelastic method to investigate nonlinear elastic wing structures.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Bramsiepe R. K., Gröhlich M., Dähne S., Hahn D.;
Structural Concepts for Passive Load Alleviation.
Broek d. v. S., Wolff J., Scheffler S., Hühne C., Rolfes R.;
Improving the fatigue life of printed structures using stochastic variations.
Prog Addit Manuf
Broihan J.;
Models and Algorithms for Designing Dynamic Inductive Charging Infrastructures on Airport Aprons
Broihan J., Nozinski I., Pöch N., Helber S.;
Designing Dynamic Inductive Charging Infrastructures for Airport Aprons with Multiple Vehicle Types.
Bustamante J., Hahn D., Lobitz L., Haupt M., Heimbs S.;
Enhancing Load Alleviation in Aircraft Wings through Nonlinear Behaviour
Royal Aeronautical Society
Canders W., Hoffmann J., Henke M.;
Cooling Technologies for High Power Density Electrical Machines for Aviation Applications.
Cao Y., Fauth L., Friebe J., Mertens A.;
Potentials to Improve the Post-Fault Performance of a Fault-Tolerant Inverter System in Electrified Aircraft Propulsion System
Cao Y., Fauth L., Keuter R., Sanwongwanich A., Novak M., Blaabjerg F., A.Mertens a. P. B.;
Inverter Design for Future Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Systems under Consideration of Wear-Out Failure and Random Failure.
023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe)
Cao Y., Fauth L., Mertens A., Friebe J.;
Comparison and Analysis of Multi-State Reliability of Fault-Tolerant Inverter Topologies for the Electric Aircraft Propulsion System.
Cao Y., Lyu H., Mertens A.;
Mission profile-based operation strategies to improve the reliability of an ANPC inverter in future electrified aircraft propulsion systems.
IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC)
Carandente R., Schulz Y., Krempus D., Beltrame F., Servi D. M. C., Nachtigal P., Mimic D., Colonna P., Pini M.;
Impact of the working fluid in ORC-based waste heat recovery systems for turboshaft engines.
GPPS Chania24 Technical Paper Proceedings
Cavaliere, Fezans u. D., Nicolas;
Recasting Discrete 1-Cosine Gust Requirements as Frequency Domain Specifications for Load Alleviation Control Design
Cavaliere D., Fezans N.;
A Practical Approach to Automated Multiobjective Gust Load Alleviation Control Design in a Structured H2/H-infinity Framework
Cavaliere D., Fezans N.;
Recasting Discrete 1-Cosine Gust Load Criteria as Frequency-domain Specifications for Load Alleviation Control Design
Cavaliere D., Fezans N.;
Toward Automated Gust Load Alleviation Control Design via Discrete Gust Impulse Filters.
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Cavaliere D., Fezans N., Kiehn D.;
Method to Account for Estimator-Induced Previewed Information Losses -- Application to Synthesis of Lidar-Based Gust Load Alleviation Functions
CEAS, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Cavaliere D., Fezans N., Kiehn D., Quero D., Vrancken P.;
Gust Load Control Design Challenge Including Lidar Wind Measurements and Based on the Common Research Model.
Cerbe F., Mahlstedt D., Sinapius M., Hühne C., Böl M.;
Relationship between programming stress and residual strain in FDM 4D printing.
Progress in Additive Manufacturing
Cistjakov W., Hoppe J., Jung J., Röder F., Kim H., Krewer U.;
Insight into the Impact of Electrolyte on Passivation of Lithium–Sulfur Cathodes.
Adv Materials Inter
Cistjakov W., Laue V., Röder F., Krewer U.;
Assessment of Core-Shell and Agglomerate Particle Design for All-Solid-State Batteries.
J. Electrochem. Soc.
Corno J., Georg N., Gorgi Zadeh S., Heller J., Gubarev V., Roggen T., Römer U., Schmidt C., Schöps S., Schultz J., Sulimov A., Rienen v. U.;
Uncertainty modeling and analysis of the European X-ray free electron laser cavities manufacturing process.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Dinkelacker, F.;
Visionen für zukünftige Luftfahrtantriebe
Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen
Domogalla V., Bertsch L., Plohr M., Stumpf E., Spakovszky S. Z.;
Low-Noise Design of Medium-Range Aircraft for Energy Efficient Aviation.
Drögemüller P., Stobbe T., Schröder U.;
Closing the Gap: Towards a Fully Continuous and Self‐Regulated Kolbe Electrosynthesis.
Duivenvoorden R., Suard N., Sinnige T., Veldhuis L. L.;
Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Interactions of a Wing with Deployed Fowler Flap under Influence of a Propeller Slipstream.
Dähne S., Steffen O., Kosmann J., Hühne C.;
Dähne S., Werthen E., Zerbst D., Tönjes L., Traub H., Hühne C.;
Lightworks, a scientific research framework for the design of stiffened composite-panel structures using gradient-based optimization.
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Düssler S., Siebert F., Bauknecht A.;
Coandă-Type Flow Actuation for Load Alleviation.
Journal of Aircraft
Ebersberger J., Fauth L., Keuter R., Cao Y., Freund Y., Hanke-Rauschenbach R., Ponick B., Mertens A., Friebe J.;
Power Distribution and Propulsion System for an All-Electric Short-Range Commuter Aircraft—A Case Study.
IEEE Access
Ebersberger J., Hagedorn M., Lorenz M., Mertens A.;
Potentials and Comparison of Inverter Topologies for Future All-Electric Aircraft Propulsion.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Power Electron.
Ebersberger J., Keuter R., Ponick B., Mertens A.;
Power Distribution and Propulsion System for an All-Electric Regional Aircraft.
Ebersberger J., Muller J., Mertens A.;
Dynamic Characterization of a SiC-MOSFET Half Bridge in Hard- and Soft-Switching and Investigation of Current Sensing Technologies.
Fauth L., Beckemeier C., Friebe J.;
A Hybrid Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter consisting of Si IGBTs and GaN HEMTs for Auxiliary Systems of Electric Aircraft.
Fauth L., Brinker T., Lin S., Friebe J.;
Asymmetric Half-Bridge Configurations in Power Electronics Converters.
Fauth L., Ebersberger J., Cao Y., Friebe J.;
Advantages of a Variable Board Supply Voltage in All-Electric Aircraft with Regard to Cosmic Radiation Induced Failures.
Fauth L., Friebe J. a. M. P.;
Selection of Test Site Locations for LongTerm Cosmic Radiation Tests
Fauth L., Mand P., Friebe J.;
Selection of Test Site Locations for Long-Term Cosmic Radiation Tests
Mesago PCIM GmbH
Filippou E., Sodja J., Breuker D. R.;
Application of aeroelastic tailoring for control surface reversal
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics IFASD 2024
Francis-Xavier F., Kubannek F., Schenkendorf R.;
Hybrid Process Models in Electrochemical Syntheses under Deep Uncertainty.
Franco A., Ewert R., Mößner M., Delfs W. J.;
Towards a Fast Non-Empiric Source Model for Installed Rotor Noise.
Franco A., Ewert R., Soni M. M., Mößner M., Delfs W. J.;
Fast Non-empiric Propeller Source Noise Model with Mean Flow.
Springer International Publishing
Franco A., Moessner M., Ewert R., Delfs J.;
Fast Non-Empiric Tonal Noise Prediction Model for Installed Propulsors.
Franco A., Mößner M., Ewert R., Delfs W. J.;
On the Application of Line Distributed Singularities for Fast Non-Empirical Prediction of Tonal Rotor Noise
Franke P., Nyhuis M., Wein L., Mimic D.;
Robust Numerical Operating-Map Prediction through Systematic Selection of Turbulence Models.
Friebe J., Fauth L.;
Efficiency Optimization for Partial Load Operation of Interleaved Converters.
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ)
Friedrichs J., Elham A., Hühne C., Radespiel R., Bauknecht A.;
Vehicle Technologies towards Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation.
Förster P., Yildiz B., Feuerle T., Hecker P.;
Approach for Cost Functions for the Use in Trade-Off Investigations Assessing the Environmental Impact of a Future Energy Efficient European Aviation.
Garbo A., Parekh J., Rischmann T., Bekemeyer P.;
Multi-Fidelity Adaptive Sampling for Surrogate-Based Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification..
Geese A., Al-Kharabsheh D., Müller R.;
MINT-Begeisterung wecken, fördern und halten - zwei Beispiele für außerschulische Lernangebote
Fachverbandes der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Geier M., Alihussein H.;
Computation of Implicit Representation of Volumetric Shells with Predefined Thickness.
Geier S., Petersen J., Eilenberger M., Wierach P.;
Robust and Powerful Structural Integrated Thin Film Supercapacitors for Lightweight Space Structures.
Geier S., Petersen J., Wierach P.;
Challenges of Upscaling Power Composites for Aerospace Applications.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Gerstenberg J., Steckermeier D., Kwade A., Michalowski P.;
Effect of Mixing Intensity on Electrochemical Performance of Oxide/Sulfide Composite Electrolytes.
Goldmann A.;
Analyse des Grenzschichtrückschlags von Wasserstoff-Ammoniak Vormischflammen in drallfreien Strömungen
Goldmann A., Dinkelacker F.;
Approximation of laminar flame characteristics on premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen/air mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures.
Goldmann A., Dinkelacker F.;
Experimental investigation and modeling of boundary layer flashback for non-swirling premixed hydrogen/ammonia/air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Goldmann A., Dinkelacker F.;
Experimental Study on Lean Blowout Limits of Turbulent Premixed Hydrogen/Ammonia/Air Mixtures.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Goldmann A., Dinkelacker F.;
Investigation of boundary layer flashback for non-swirling premixed hydrogen/ammonia/nitrogen/oxygen/air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Goldmann A., Sauter W., Oettinger M., Kluge T., Schröder U., Seume J., Friedrichs J., Dinkelacker F.;
A Study on Electrofuels in Aviation.
Grappadelli C. M., Olivucci P., Badrya C.;
Effects of Boundary Layer Suction on a Laminar Separation Bubble on a HLFC Wing.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Grappadelli C. M., Sattler S., Scholz P., Radespiel R., Badrya C.;
Experimental investigations of boundary layer transition on a flat plate with suction.
Grappadelli C. M., Sudhi A., Radespiel R., Badrya C.;
Experimental study of a wing with hybrid laminar flow control application.
Greco F. G., Bertsch L., Ring P. T., Langer C. S.;
Sound quality assessment of a medium-range aircraft with enhanced fan-noise shielding design.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Greco F. G., Guruprasad M. S., Ring P. T., Langer C. S.;
The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the air traffic noise at the Hannover airport region.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Greco F. G., Wienke F., Bertsch L., Ring T., Langer S.;
Assessing the environmental noise of next-generation regional jet aircraft concepts in a generic airport scenario
The Acoustical Society of Korea
Greco F. G., Wienke F., Bertsch L., Zellmann C., Schäffer B., Ring P. T., Langer C. S.;
A comparative study of semi-empirical noise emission models based on the PANAM and sonAIR aircraft noise simulation tools
Institute of Noise Control Engineering
Greco F. G., Yildiz B., Göing J., Ring P. T., Feuerle T., Hecker P., Langer C. S.;
Environmental Noise Assessment of Holding Approach Procedures Using a Multi-Level Simulation Framework.
Gronau S., Hoelzen J., Mueller T., Hanke-Rauschenbach R.;
Hydrogen-powered aviation in Germany: A macroeconomic perspective and methodological approach of fuel supply chain integration into an economy-wide dataset.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Gröhlich M., Bauer R., Böswald M.;
Viskoelastische Dämpfungsoptimierung von Flugzeugflügeln .
Verein deutscher Ingenieure e.V.
Gröhlich M., Böswald M., Wallaschek J.;
Viscoelastic damping design – A novel approach for shape optimization of Constrained Layer Damping treatments at different ambient temperatures.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Gröhlich M., Böswald M., Winter R.;
An iterative eigenvalue solver for systems with frequency dependent material properties
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V.
Gröhlich M., Böswald M., Winter R.;
Finite element optimization of viscoelastic damping applications
Proceedings of ISMA 2020 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2020 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics
Gröhlich M., Böswald M., Winter R.;
Frequency and temperature dependent viscoelastic vibration damping capability of a novel local CLD treatment
International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE)
Gröhlich M., Böswald M., Winter R.;
Vibration damping capabilities of treatments with frequency and temperature dependent viscoelastic material properties.
23. International Congress on Acoustics
Gröhlich M., Lang A., Böswald M., Meier J.;
Viscoelastic damping design – Thermal impact on a constrained layer damping treatment.
Materials & Design
Guruprasad M. S., Greco F. G., Ring T., Langer S.;
A quantitative approach to density--based clustering of flight trajectories for efficient air traffic noise simulations.
Institute of Noise Control Engineering
Guschakowski M., Schröder U.;
Direct and Indirect Electrooxidation of Glycerol to Value‐Added Products.
Hagedorn M., Lorenz M., Mertens A.;
Cascaded H-Bridge Converter Designs for Future Short-Range All-Electric Aircraft Propulsion
Hahn D., Haupt M.;
Exploration of the effect of wing component post-buckling on bending-twist coupling for nonlinear wing twist.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Hahn D., Haupt M.;
Passive Load Alleviation by Nonlinear Mounting of Airfoils in 2-DOF Models.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V..
Hahn D., Haupt M., Heimbs S.;
Load alleviation capabilities of wings with nonlinear structural behavior in stationary and dynamic load cases
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics - IFASD 2022
Hahn D., Haupt M., Heimbs S.;
Passive Load Alleviation by Nonlinear Stiffness of Airfoil Structures.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Hahn D., Lobitz L., Haupt M., Heimbs S.;
Analysis of the structural behaviour of wings with nonlinear components for passive load reduction.
Aerospace Europe Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
Hansknecht C., Joormann I., Korn B., Morscheck F., Stiller S.;
Feeder routing for air-to-air refueling operations.
European Journal of Operational Research
Hansknecht C., Joormann I., Stiller S.;
Dynamic Shortest Paths Methods for the Time-Dependent TSP.
He X., Wang Q., Fernandes R., Shu B.;
Investigation on the autoignition characteristics of propanol and butanol isomers under diluted lean conditions for stratified low temperature combustion.
Combustion and Flame
Helm S., Davies K., Fehrs M.;
First Comparison of CFD Simulation and Wind Tunnel Test of the Forward-Swept Natural Laminar Flow Model NLF-ECOWING-FSW.
Springer Nature Switzerland
Helm S., Francois D., Krumbein A.;
Validation of CFD-based transition transport models to predict laminar-turbulent transition of swept transport aircraft wings.
Helm S., Francois G. D., Grabe C., Parekh J., Bekemeyer P.;
CFD-basierte Transitionsvorhersage für den Entwurf von Laminarflugzeugen
Helm S., Grabe C., Krumbein A., Soldenhoff v. A. R., Lüdeke H., Scholz P. a. . T. K.;
Wind-Tunnel Test with Boundary Layer Suction for the Validation of Transition Transport Models.
Helm S., Krimmelbein N., Grabe C., Krumbein A., Soldenhoff v. R., Lüdeke H., Thamm K.;
Modeling Approaches for Boundary-Layer Suction in Transition Transport Models
Henke M., Hoffmann J., Waschke L.;
Modulare Entwicklungsplattform für elektrische Luftfahrtantriebe.
Herberhold M. B. K., Voß A.;
Aeroelastic Load Selection based on Elements Indices.
Herwig A., Beyer Y., Brack T., Haupt M., Heimbs S., Steen M., Hecker P.;
Design and Commissioning of a Scaled Aeroelastic Airplane Intended for Load Alleviation Demonstration.
AIAA SciTech Forum 2025
Herwig A., Haupt M., Brack T., Bustamante J., Heimbs S.;
Gust load alleviation in a scaled UAV demonstrator
Hoelzen J., Flohr M., Silberhorn D., Mangold J., Bensmann A., Hanke-Rauschenbach R.;
H2-powered aviation at airports – Design and economics of LH2 refueling systems.
Energy Conversion and Management: X
Hoelzen J., Koenemann L., Kistner L., Schenke F., Bensmann A., Hanke-Rauschenbach R.;
H2-powered aviation – Design and economics of green LH2 supply for airports.
Energy Conversion and Management
Hoelzen J., Silberhorn D., Zill T., Bensmann B., Hanke-Rauschenbach R.;
Hydrogen-powered aviation and its reliance on green hydrogen infrastructure – Review and research gaps.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Hoffmann J., Canders W., Henke M.;
Design Study for a Superconducting High-Power Fan Drive for a Long-Range Aircraft.
Hoffmann J., Canders W., Henke M.;
Impact of Current Density and Cooling on the Weight Balance of Electrical Propulsion Drives for Aviation.
Hojny C., Joormann I., Lüthen H., Schmidt M.;
Mixed-integer programming techniques for the connected max-k-cut problem.
Math. Prog. Comp.
Hon S. K., Karpuk S., Yang D., Elham A.;
Development of a Flight Simulator for Conceptual Aircraft Design and Sizing.
Transactions on Aerospace Research
Hüpel, Blech Y., Franco C., Delfs A., Kirsch a. W. J., Langer B., C. S.;
Comparison of different noise sources for the simulative cabin noise assessment of an electrically propelled regional aircraft
Hüpel Y., Blech C., Sreekumar K. H., Langer C. S.;
Efficient solutions of preconditioned large‐scale systems for simulative aircraft cabin noise assessment.
Proc Appl Math and Mech: 93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
Hüpel Y., Hoffmann S., Langer S.;
Influence of Different Turbulent Boundary Layer Criteria on Aircraft Cabin Noise
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik
Inkermann D.;
Lifecycle Option Selection in Early Design Stages Based on Degradation Model Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Design Society
Iyer V., Petersen J., Geier S., Wierach P.;
Design and Characterization of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Multifunctional Composites with Succinonitrile Fillers for Ambient-Temperature Structural Sodium-Ion Batteries.
Iyer V., Petersen J., Geier S., Wierach P.;
Development and Multifunctional Characterization of a Structural Sodium-Ion Battery Using a High-Tensile-Strength Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Matrix Composite.
ACS Appl. Energy Mater.
Jean-Fulcrand A., Jeon J. E., Karimpour S., Garnweitner G.;
Cross-Linked Solid Polymer-Based Catholyte for Solid-State Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.
Jean-Fulcrand A., Jeon J. E., Karimpour S., Garnweitner G.;
Polymeric nanocomposites for lithium–sulfur batteries.
Jeon J. E., Haidar S., Helmers L., Kwade A., Garnweitner G.;
Ion-conductive vs. non-ion-conductive ceramic fillers in silane-linked polyethylene oxide-based composite polymer electrolytes with high room-temperature ionic conductivity.
Energy Advances
Jeon J. E., Jean-Fulcrand A., Kwade A., Garnweitner G.;
A room-temperature high performance all-solid-state lithium-sulfur battery enabled by a cross-linked copolymer@ceramic hybrid solid electrolyte.
Nano Energy
Kallina V., Hasché F., Oezaslan M.;
Advanced design of electrospun nanofiber cathode catalyst layers for PEM fuel cells at low humidity.
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Assessment of Potential Commercial Success of Business Jets with Natural Laminar Flow.
Journal of Aircraft
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Comparative study of hydrogen and kerosene commercial aircraft with advanced airframe and propulsion technologies for more sustainable aviation.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Conceptual Design Trade Study for an Energy-Efficient Mid-Range Aircraft with Novel Technologies.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Development of a Multi-fidelity Design, Analysis, and Optimization Environment for Future Transport Aircraft .
Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Influence of Novel Airframe Technologies on the Feasibility of Fully-Electric Regional Aviation.
Karpuk S., Freund Y., Hanke-Rauschenbach R.;
Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Aircraft for Commercial Applications with Advanced Airframe and Propulsion Technologies.
Karpuk S., Liu Y., Elham A.;
Multi-Fidelity Design Optimization of a Long-Range Blended Wing Body Aircraft with New Airframe Technologies.
Karpuk S., Ma Y., Elham A.;
Design Investigation of Potential Long-Range Hydrogen Combustion Blended Wing Body Aircraft with Future Technologies.
Karpuk S., Radespiel R., Elham A.;
Assessment of Future Airframe and Propulsion Technologies on Sustainability of Next-Generation Mid-Range Aircraft.
Keilmann R., Radomsky L., Ferch D., Mallwitz R.;
Study of Inverter Topologies for Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Systems Based on Cyclic Loading Induced Bond Wire Fatigue.
Keuter J. R., Kirsch B., Friedrichs J., Ponick B.;
Design Decisions for a Powertrain Combination of Electric Motor and Propeller for an Electric Aircraft.
IEEE Access
Keuter J. R., Melo P. S., Jois K. P., Cerdas F., Herrmann C., Ponick B.;
Investigation of Electric Motors For All-Electric Aircraft with Different Material Combinations from an Environmental Perspective.
Keuter J. R., Niebuhr F., Nozinski M., Krüger E., Kabelac S., Ponick B.;
Design of a Direct-Liquid-Cooled Motor and Operation Strategy for the Cooling System.
Keuter J. R., Ponick B.;
First Step to Optimum Rotor Design for E-Motors with High Power Density for Aircraft Propulsion.
Khalil K., Asaro S., Bauknecht A.;
Active Flow Control Devices for Wing Load Alleviation.
Journal of Aircraft
Khalil K., Bauknecht A.;
Fluidic Flow Control Devices for Gust Load Alleviation.
Journal of Aircraft
Kim R. H., Mimic D., Seume R. J.;
Influence of Axial Gaps on Forced Response of Different Mode Shapes in a Low-Pressure Compressor.
Kirsch B., Friedrichs J.;
CFD Parameter Studies Using an Actuator Disk to Quantify the Interactions on an Airfoil Segment for Distributed Propulsion.
ASME Turbo Expo 2023
Kleemann N., Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Conceptual Design and Optimization of a Solar-Electric Blended Wing Body Aircraft for General Aviation.
Knuth D., Hüpel Y., Ring P. T., Langer C. S.;
Auralization of Aircraft Cabin Noise Predictions in Early Development Stages.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.
Knuth D., Ring P. T., Langer C. S.;
Comparing Auralizations and Measurements of Vibrating Plates with Physical and Psychoacoustic Metrics
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)
Kopp T., Bösche D., Vieth P., Anspach F., Kurrat M., Meyer S.;
Prüfungen von Hybridschaltern in dem neuartigen Hochleistungs-Gleichstromprüffeld DC.lab der TU Braunschweig, Kontaktverhalten und Schalten
Kreuzeberg L., Haupt M., Hahn D., Antonau I., Heimbs S.;
Performance and Stability Assessment of a Coupled Three-Field Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of a Simplified Thin-Walled Skin Heat Exchanger.
Krimmelbein N., Helm S., Krumbein A.;
Assessment and Adaptation of Transition Criteria for Non-Self-Similar Flows
Kube J., Soldenhoff v. R., Thamm K., Traub H., Hühne C.;
3D-gedruckte Absaugpaneele für xHLFC-Anwendungen: Design bis Windkanalversuch
Kukuk A., Paschke A., Serrer J.;
Die Planfestellung beim Aufbau einer Wasserstoffinfrastruktur an deutschen Flughäfen
ZLW - Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht
Kösters L., Gao X.;
Safety considerations and time constant determined extended operations for fuel cell-powered aircrafts.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Kösters L. T., Liu X., Kožulović D., Wang S., Friedrichs J., Gao X.;
Comparison of phase-change-heat-pump cooling and liquid cooling for PEM fuel cells for MW-level aviation propulsion.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Kösters L. T., Schweinitz v. G. A., Heere M., Friedrichs J., Gao X.;
Experimental study and simulations of hydrogen cooling effectiveness for aviation PEM fuel cells.
Scientific Reports
Lautsch, Ring M., Langer P. T., C. S.;
Validation of the Doc 29 best-practice prediction method of aircraft noise on the ground at a single flight level using ADS-B data
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA)
Lenger M., Heinke S., Tegethoff W., Köhler J.;
On the importance of liquid hydrogen exergy utilisation for an energetically efficient hydrogen energy economy.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Lenk T., Rabet S., Sprick M., Raabe G., Schröder U.;
Insight into the Interaction of Furfural with Metallic Surfaces in the Electrochemical Hydrogenation Process.
Lenk T., Rueß V., Gresch J., Schröder U.;
Exploring the electrochemical ring hydrogenation of furanic compounds.
Green Chem.
Lenk T., Schröder U.;
An experimental guide to in operando electrochemical Raman spectroscopy.
J Solid State Electrochem
Li M., He X., Hashemi H., Glarborg P., Lowe M. V., Marshall P., Fernandes R., Shu B.;
An experimental and modeling study on auto-ignition kinetics of ammonia/methanol mixtures at intermediate temperature and high pressure.
Combustion and Flame
Li M., Liu J., Nachtigal P., Mimic D.;
Pore-scale investigation of water-gas transport in reconstructed gas diffusion layers with binder and polytetrafluoroethylene coating.
Journal of Power Sources
Liu J., Li M., Yang Y., Schlüter N., Mimic D., Schröder D.;
Tailored Porous Transport Layers for Optimal Oxygen Transport in Water Electrolyzers: Combined Stochastic Reconstruction and Lattice Boltzmann Method.
Lobitz L., Traub H., Overbeck M., Bień M., Heimbs S., Hühne C., Friedrichs J., Horst P.;
Aircraft Wing Design for Extended Hybrid Laminar Flow Control.
Lohuis D., Traub H., Hühne C.;
Mechanical testing of threaded inserts for additively manufactured sandwich panels with Gyroid core structures.
Results in Materials
Lück S., Göing J., Wittmann T., Kirsch B., Benjamin L., Friedrichs J.;
Propeller Design and Performance Evaluation with Partially Prescribed Velocity Distribution.
Lück S., Göing J., Nachtigal P., Mimic D., Friedrichs J.;
Design and Performance Analysis of a Fuel Cell Propulsion System Driven by a Hydrogen-Fired Micro Gas-Turbine.
Lück S., Göing J., Wittmann T., Mimic D., Friedrichs J.;
Fuel Cell-Based Propulsion Architectures for Short Range Aircraft
Proceedings of International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2023, Kyoto
Lück S., Göing J., Wittmann T., Mimic D., Friedrichs J.;
Towards design- and operating-point selection for fuel cell cathode air-supply systems in aviation.
JGPP - International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems
Lüdeke H., Soldenhoff v. R.;
Direct numerical simulation of TS-waves over suction panel steps from manufacturing tolerances.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Mallwitz R. S. H. K. R.;
Study of Current Ripple Generators for Accelerated Ageing of Capacitors
Manke L., Joormann I.;
Aircraft Fleet Planning: An Optimization Model with Integrated CO2 Trading Systems.
Springer International Publishing
Melo P. S., Barke A., Cerdas F., Thies C., Mennenga M., Spengler S. T., Herrmann C.;
Sustainability Assessment and Engineering of Emerging Aircraft Technologies—Challenges, Methods and Tools.
Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Barke A., Thies C., Spengler S. T., Herrmann C.;
Life Cycle Engineering Modelling Framework for batteries powering electric aircrafts – the contribution of eVTOLs towards a more sustainable urban mobility.
Melo P. S., Cerdas F., Barke A., Thies C., Spengler S. T., Herrmann C.;
Life Cycle Engineering of future aircraft systems: the case of eVTOL vehicles.
Melo P. S., Toghyani S., Cerdas F., Liu X., Gao X., Lindner L., Barke A., Thies C., Spengler S. T., Herrmann C.;
Model-based assessment of the environmental impacts of fuel cell systems designed for eVTOLs.
International journal of hydrogen energy
Metz L., Mutzel P., Niemann T., Schürmann L., Stiller S., Tillmann M. A.;
Delay-resistant robust vehicle routing with heterogeneous time windows.
Computers & Operations Research
Meyer P., Hühne C., Bramsiepe K., Krueger W.;
Aeroelastic Analysis of Actuated Adaptive Wingtips Based on Pressure-Actuated Cellular Structures.
Meyer P., Hühne C., Bramsiepe K., Krüger W.;
Aeroelastic Analysis of Actuated Adaptive Wingtips Based on Pressure Actuation.
Journal of Aircraft
Meyer P., Lück S., Friedrichs J., Goeing J.;
On the Design Point Selection for the Cathode Air Supply Components of a PEM Fuel Cell System in Aviation.
HZwo e. V.
Meyer P., Lück S., Goeing J., Friedrichs J.;
Evaluation of Air Supply Conditioning Architectures for PEM Fuel Cell Systems in Aviation.
Meyer P., Traub H., Hühne C.;
Actuated adaptive wingtips on transport aircraft: Requirements and preliminary design using pressure-actuated cellular structures.
Aerospace Science and Technology
Mimic D., Herbst F.;
Improved Prediction of Secondary-Flow Behaviour Through a Novel Turbulence Model Extension for Rotational Effects.
ASME Turbo Expo
Mimic D., Sauer P., Seume R. J.;
Sensitivity Of Compressor Performance And Tipleakage Vortices To Inhomogeneous Casing Heatflux Distributions.
Monkam K. L., Schweinitz v. G. A., Friedrichs J., Gao X.;
Feasibility analysis of a new thermal insulation concept of cryogenic fuel tanks for hydrogen fuel cell powered commercial aircraft.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Montano Z., Seidler M., Riemenschneider J., Friedrichs J.;
A Coupling Method for the Design of Shape-Adaptive Compressor Blades.
Applied Mechanics
Mosca V., Elham A.;
Investigations on the Potentials of Novel Technologies for Aircraft Fuel Burn Reduction through Aerostructural Optimisation.
Mosca V., Elham A.;
IDMEC Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa Portugal
Mosca V., Karpuk S., Elham A.;
Investigating potentials of active flow control via retrofit of commercial aircraft.
Aerospace Europe Conference 2023
Mosca V., Karpuk S., Sudhi A., Badrya C., Elham A.;
Multidisciplinary design optimisation of a fully electric regional aircraft wing with active flow control technology.
Aeronaut. j.
Mosca V., Sudhi A., Badrya C., Elham A.;
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Transonic Wings with Boundary-Layer Suction.
Journal of Aircraft
Mozuni M., Ohlhoff M., Glatzel G., ;
User Research im Zukunftsorientiertem Design-Thinking: Eine Ganzheitliche Methode für das Stakeholder-Management in der Service-Optimierung.
Mueller T., Gronau S.;
Fostering Macroeconomic Research on Hydrogen-Powered Aviation: A Systematic Literature Review on General Equilibrium Models.
Mueller T., Winter E.;
Macroeconomic Effects of Sustainable Aviation - A Multiplier Analysis of Power-to-Liquid Jet Fuel in Germany.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.
Munirathinam B., Lerch L., Hüne D., Lentz L., Lenk T., Görke M., Garnweitner G., Schlüter N., Kubannek F., Schröder D., Gimpel T.;
Enhanced Performance of Laser‐Structured Copper Electrodes Towards Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of Furfural.
Munirathinam B., Schlüter N., Schröder D.;
Recent Advances in Metallic Catalyst Materials for Electrochemical Upgrading of Furfurals to <i>Drop‐in</i> Biofuels: A Mini Review.
Energy Tech
Mutzel P., Niemann T., Schürmann L., Stiller S., Tillmann M. A.;
Vehicle Routing with Heterogeneous Time Windows.
Springer International Publishing
Nadiri S., Shu B., Goldsmith F. C., Fernandes R.;
Development of comprehensive kinetic models of ammonia/methanol ignition using Reaction Mechanism Generator (RMG).
Combustion and Flame
Nadiri S., Zimmermann P., Sane L., Fernandes R., Dinkelacker F., Shu B.;
Kinetic Modeling Study on the Combustion Characterization of Synthetic C3 and C4 Alcohols for Lean Premixed Prevaporized Combustion.
Nicolay S., Karpuk S., Liu Y., Elham A.;
Conceptual design and optimization of a general aviation aircraft with fuel cells and hydrogen.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Nozinski M., Benam P. B., Servi D. C., Kabelac S., Falsetti C.;
Physically based heat exchanger sizing method for the thermal management system of all-electric regional aircraft.
Journal of Physics
Nöding M., Bertsch L.;
Application of Noise Certification Regulations within Conceptual Aircraft Design.
Ohlhoff M., Mozuni M., Glatzel G.;
Szenarien Machen Mögliche Zukünfte Erlebbar Szenen eines Forschungsvorhabens.
Ollenburg S., Ciesielski M.;
Erspielte Zukünfte. In: Futures Literacy. Zukunft lernen und lehren.
Osses A., Greco F. G., Merino-Martínez R.;
Considerations for the perceptual evaluation of steady-state and time-varying sounds using psychoacoustic metrics.
Overbeck M., Heimbs S., Kube J., Hühne C.;
Energy absorption of 3D-printed cellular structures for impact-resistant aircraft wing leading edge
Overbeck M., Heimbs S., Kube J., Hühne C.;
Energy Absorption Properties of 3D-Printed Polymeric Gyroid Structures for an Aircraft Wing Leading Edge.
Parekh J., Bekemeyer P., Helm S., Francois G. D., Grabe C.;
Laminar Airfoil Design under Uncertainties using the DLR Gamma Transition Model.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2023
Parekh J., Bekemeyer P., Helm S., Francois G. D., Grabe C.;
Surrogate Based Design Space Exploration and Exploitation for an Efficient Airfoil Optimization under Uncertainties using Transition Models.
Aerospace Science and Technology
Petersen J., Geier S., Wierach P.;
Integrated thin film Supercapacitor as multifunctional Sensor System.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Petersen J., Kube A., Geier S., Wierach P.;
Structure-Integrated Thin-Film Supercapacitor as a Sensor.
Prasannakumar A., Grappadelli C. M., Seitz A., Badrya C.;
Transpiration Pressure Loss and Suction Threshold on a Flat-Plate Employing Boundary Layer Suction.
Prasannakumar A., Sudhi A., Seitz A., Badrya C.;
Design of Hybrid-Laminar-Flow-Control Wing and Suction System for Transonic Midrange Aircraft.
Journal of Aircraft
Prasannakumar A., Sudhi A., Seitz A., Badrya C.;
Suction System Design for Transonic HLFC Wing.
Prasannakumar A., Wolff J., Radespiel R., Boermans L., Hühne C., Badrya C.;
Design and power calculation of HLFC suction system for a subsonic short-range aircraft.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Pöch N., Nozinski I., Broihan J., Helber S.;
Numerical Study on Planning Inductive Charging Infrastructures for Electric Service Vehicles on Airport Aprons.
Rabet S., Raabe G.;
Comparison of the GAFF, OPLSAA and CHARMM27 force field for the reproduction of the thermodynamics properties of furfural, 2-methylfuran, 2,5-dimethylfuran and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.
Fluid Phase Equilibria
Rabet S., Tobaschus W., Chung G., Gimpel T., Raabe G., Schröder D., Munirathinam B.;
Exploring Impurity Effects and Catalyst Surface Features in Furfural Electroreduction for Jet Fuel Precursor Production: Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Insights.
Rehbein C. M., Guschakowski M., Sauter W., Kunz J., Schröder U., Scholl S.;
Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium Data and Continuous Process Concept for the Electrosynthesis of Valeric Acid from Levulinic Acid.
Front. Energy Res.
Rejas M. Z., Seidler M., Riemenschneider J., Friedrichs J.;
Aerodynamic validation for compressor blades’ structural morphing concepts.
CEAS Aeronaut J
Roche J., Friebe J., Niggemann O.;
Neural Network Modeling of Nonlinear Filters for EMC Simulation in Discrete Time Domain.
Rolinck, M., Rüsch, S., Mennenga, M., Jehl, L., Herrmann, C.;
Deployment Settings for the Integration of Blockchain Networks in Learning Factories..
Rolinck M., Gellrich S., Bode C., Mennenga M., Cerdas F., Friedrichs J., Herrmann C.;
A Concept for Blockchain-Based LCA and its Application in the Context of Aircraft MRO.
Procedia CIRP
Rolinck M., Khakmardan S., Cerdas F., Mennenga M., Li W., Herrmann C.;
Completeness evaluation of LCI datasets for the environmental assessment of lithium compound production scenarios.
Römer, Bertsch U., Mulani L., Schaeffer B. S., Beat;
Aeroacoustics research in europe: The ceas-asc report on 2022 highlights, contribution: Uncertainty quantification for aircraft noise emission simulation: methods and limitations.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Römer U., Bertsch L., Mulani B. S., Schäffer B.;
Uncertainty Quantification for Aircraft Noise Emission Simulation: Methods and Limitations.
AIAA Journal
Römer U., Bollhöfer M., Sreekumar H., Blech C., Langer C. S.;
An adaptive sparse grid rational Arnoldi method for uncertainty quantification of dynamical systems in the frequency domain.
Numerical Meth Engineering
Schefer H., Canders W., Hoffmann J., Mallwitz R., Henke M.;
Cryogenically-Cooled Power Electronics for Long-Distance Aircraft.
IEEE Access
Schefer H., Fauth L., Kopp H. T., Mallwitz R., Friebe J., Kurrat M.;
Discussion on Electric Power Supply Systems for All Electric Aircraft.
IEEE Access
Schefer H., Hanisch L., Dietrich T., Mallwitz R., Henke M.;
Design of a High-Dynamic Test Bench for Accelerated Dielectric Lifetime Testing with Adjustable Voltage Slopes and Temperatures
Schefer H., Xu Z., Kopp T., Mallwitz R., Kurrat M.;
Investigation of Creepage Distances on Printed Circuit Boards for Avionic Applications
Schoen P. M., Oettinger M., Mimic D.;
Deep and Machine Learning-based Methods for Defect Classification in Jet Engines.
Schultz J., Blech C., Römer U., Langer C. S. u. B. M.;
Krylov Subspace Model Order Reduction for Aircraft Cabin Noise Investigation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik
Schweinitz v. G. A., Gao X.;
Modeling of corona discharge thrusters powered by PEM fuel cells: An investigation of potential synergies.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Seidler M., Bode C., Friedrichs J.;
Effect of Blade Reference Design Variations on the Morphing Capability of a Shape-Adaptive Fan Rotor.
Seidler M., Friedrichs J.;
Introduction Of An Improved Axial Compressor Profile Shape Modelling Approach For Increased Flexibility In Transonic Profile Design.
Seidler M., Lück S., Bień M., Friedrichs J., Göing J.;
Impact of Shape-Adaptive Fan Blading on the Performance of a Turbofan Engine.
Seidler M., Montano Z., Mimic D., Meinicke N., Friedrichs J., Riemenschneider J., Seume R. J.;
Combining shape-adaptive blades and active flow control in a multi-stage axial compressor: a numerical study.
CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Seidler M., Rejas M. Z., Friedrichs J., Riemenschneider J.;
Introduction and Evaluation of an Aerostructural Coupling Approach for the Design of Shape Adaptive Compressor Blading
Curran Associates, Inc.
Seidler M., Sivamoorthy K., Friedrichs J.;
Introduction of a Streamline Curvature Design Methodology for the Vortex Design of Shape Adaptive Compressor Blading.
Seidler M., Voigt J., Rejas M. Z., Friedrichs J., Riemenschneider J., Monner P. H.;
Aerostructural investigation of shape adaptive rotor blading for the reduction of BLI induced losses in the distorted flow regimes of a transonic fan rotor.
Simanowitsch D., Sudhi A., Theiss A., Badrya C., Hein S.;
Comparison of Gradient-Based and Genetic Algorithms for Laminar Airfoil Shape Optimization.
Simanowitsch D., Theiss A., Hein S.;
Receptivity of Swept-Wing Boundary Layers to Surface Roughness and Inhomogeneous Suction.
Springer International Publishing
Soldenhoff v. A. R.;
Simulation of the Interaction of Boundary Layer and Suction Chamber of an HLFC System.
Soldenhoff v. R.;
Overview of the Wind Tunnel Tests with Suction in the DNW-NWB.
Soldenhoff v. R., Lüdeke H.;
Entwicklung und Erprobung neuartiger Absaugoberflächen zur Laminarhaltung der Grenzschicht.
Soldenhoff v. R., Lüdeke H.;
Investigation of Interactions Between Suction Chamber and Boundary Layer over Suction Walls Using Direct Numerical Simulations
Sprengholz M., Traub H., Sinapius M., Dähne S., Hühne C.;
Rapid transformation of lamination parameters into stacking sequences.
Composite Structures
Stoewer M., Mimic D.;
Influence of Seasonal Ambient Temperature and Humidity Variations on Compressor Performance Predictions.
Strothteicher T., Fezans N.;
Automated Tuning of a Baseline Flight Control System with Maneuver Load Alleviation for an Energy-Efficient Passenger Airplane
20th International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, IFASD 2024
Stöwer M., Mimic D.;
Influence of Seasonal Ambient Temperature Variations on Compressor Performance Predictions
Sudhi, Radespiel A., Badrya R., Camli;
Design of Transonic Swept Wing for HLFC Application.
Sudhi A., Badrya C.;
Practical Implications of Conical Flow Assumption in NLF and HLFC Wing Design.
Sudhi A., Elham A., Badrya C.;
Coupled Boundary-Layer Suction and Airfoil Optimization for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control.
AIAA Journal
Sudhi A., Radespiel R., Badrya C.;
Design Exploration of Transonic Airfoils for Natural and Hybrid Laminar Flow Control Applications.
Journal of Aircraft
Talwar C., Joormann I., Ginster R., Spengler S. T.;
How much can electric aircraft contribute to reaching the Flightpath 2050 CO2 emissions goal? A system dynamics approach for european short haul flights.
Journal of Air Transport Management
Talwar C., Joormann I., Ginster R., Spengler T.;
A System Dynamics Model of the Air Transport System.
Talwar C., Joormann I., Spengler S. T.;
Comparison of Adoption Rates of Hydrogen, Hydrogen-Electric and SAF in the Future Air Transport System with a System Dynamics Model.
Springer International Publishing
Thel S., Hahn D., Haupt M., Heimbs S.;
A passive load alleviation aircraft wing: topology optimization for maximizing nonlinear bending–torsion coupling.
Struct Multidisc Optim
Thies C., Kieckhäfer K., Spengler S. T.;
Activity analysis based modeling of global supply chains for sustainability assessment.
J Bus Econ
Tillmann M. A., Joormann I., Ammann L. C. S.;
Reproducible Air Passenger Demand Estimation.
Journal of Air Transport Management
Toghyani S., Atyabi A. S., Gao X.;
Enhancing the Specific Power of a PEM Fuel Cell Powered UAV with a Novel Bean-Shaped Flow Field.
Toghyani S., Baakes F., Zhang N., Kühnelt H., Cistjakov W., Krewer U.;
Model-Based Design of High Energy All-Solid-State Li Batteries with Hybrid Electrolytes.
J. Electrochem. Soc.
Toghyani S., Cistjakov W., Baakes F., Krewer U.;
Conceptual Design of Solid-State Li-Battery for Urban Air Mobility.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society
Traub H., Kube J., Jose S., Prasannakumar A., Hühne C.;
Structural and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Micro-Perforated Porous Sheets for Laminar Flow Control.
Traub H., Sprengholz M., Teufel D., Hühne C.;
Structural-mechanical characterisation of triply periodic minimal surface sheet networks: simulation and experiment.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Vogt D., Michalowski P., Kwade A.;
Production and Characterisation of Fibre-Reinforced All-Solid-State Electrodes and Separator for the Application in Structural Batteries.
Voigt J., Friedrichs J.;
Development of a Multi-Segment Parallel Compressor Model for a Boundary Layer Ingesting Fuselage Fan Stage.
Voigt J., Jurke K., Schultz J., Römer U., Friedrichs J.;
Quantifying Model Uncertainties and Sensitivities in Parallel Compressor Models.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Wang Q., Laguna G. A., He X., Shu B., Li L.;
Investigation on the Ignition Properties of 1-Propanol and 1-Butanol under Fuel-Lean Conditions.
SAE Technical Paper
Wankhede H. Y., Fauth L., Friebe J.;
Design and Control of a Virtual DC-Link for a full GaN-based Single Phase Converter with High Power Density.
Wiedemann, Badrya M., Prasannakumar C., Lobitz A., Traub L., Heimbs H., Hühne S., Saemann C., Buelow P., Scheffler C., Brod S., Tariq M., Muzzamil;
The Suction Panel - xHLFC Efficiency and Structural Solution for Energy Efficient Aviation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Wilde A., Wanielik F., Rolinck M., Mennenga M., Abraham T., Cerdas F., Herrmann C.;
Ontology-based approach to support life cycle engineering: Development of a data and knowledge structure.
Procedia CIRP
Willamowski L. J. F., Tillmann M. A.;
Minimizing Airplane Boarding Time.
Transportation Science
Wittenberg D., Paschke A., Kukuk A., Pannek J.;
Information Requirements and Legal Framework for Multimodal Transport System Coordination.
Wittenborg T., Karras O., Auer S.;
SWARM-SLR - Streamlined Workflow Automation for Machine-Actionable Systematic Literature Reviews.
Springer Nature Switzerland
Yildiz B., Förster P., Langner J., Feuerle T., Hecker P.;
A Hybrid Gate-to-Gate Simulation Environment for the Air Traffic System.
Zhu L., Wang S., Sui P., Gao X.;
Multiscale modeling of an angled gas diffusion layer for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: Performance enhancing for aviation applications.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Zhu L., Yang W., Xiao L., Zhang H., Gao X., Sui P.;
Stochastically Modeled Gas Diffusion Layers: Effects of Binder and Polytetrafluoroethylene on Effective Gas Diffusivity.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Zhu L., Zhang H., Xiao L., Bazylak A., Gao X., Sui P.;
Pore-scale modeling of gas diffusion layers: Effects of compression on transport properties.
Journal of Power Sources
Zimmermann P., Bajrami J., Dinkelacker F.;
Validation of a Generic Non-Swirled Multi-Fuel Burner for the Measurement of Flame Stability Limits for Research of Advanced Sustainable Aviation Fuels.