The research project B3.1 deals with the structural wing design for aircraft with active laminar flow control technology, which is one of the most promising approaches for aircraft drag reduction. In the scope of SE2A laminar flow control through boundary layer suction is investigated. The objective of this project is to provide a concept for the structural design of a suction panel and its integration into the wing structure.
The global wing design aims at minimizing the structural mass while at the same time providing a maximum of laminar flow percentage. Unconventional designs like BWB, and unconventional energy storage and power trains are taken into account as well as the benefits offered by advanced materials and manufacturing processes. The impact of laminar flow control on the structural wing design is investigated and parameters for a reduced order model are being derived.
A detailed design concept of a suction panel for active laminar flow control in sandwich design is being developed in accordance to the requirements of the global wing design. Herein novel design technologies like plastic and metal 3D-printing offer a huge potential regarding functional integration and integral part design. To benefit from this extended freedom in design, it is being investigated whether it is possible to manufacture both the porous extraction layer and the core structure of the extraction panels using 3D printing.
The suction panels have to provide changeability for maintenance and repair. Therefore, detachable interfaces between the aerodynamic as well as load-bearing skin of the wing and the suction panel are required. As these joints are supposed to maintain laminar flow, they have to comply with minimum tolerances regarding gaps, steps and waviness under continuous deformations of the wing in cruise conditions. To take stress concentrations revealed by numerical stress prediction into account, experimental coupon tests are being conducted. The overall wing design will be translated into a functional demonstrator, taking into account the critical loads occurring during flight.
Prof. Peter Horst
Institute of aircraft design and lightweight structures
+49 531-391-9901