We want to share our enthusiasm for the research topics of the SE²A Cluster of Excellence with as many people as possible. After all, our goal of sustainable and environmentally friendly global air transport can only be achieved if international collaborations, decision-makers and young talents from schools and universities all contribute.
Our engagement is as diverse as our research teams: international, intercultural and interdisciplinary. We develop programmes and projects that give many people access to our research. These include a research club for young people, funding programmes, mentoring and coaching for over 60 PhD students, attractive opportunities for international researchers and dynamic science communication formats such as Science and Art or Science Slam.
The more diverse our teams, the more creative and wide-ranging the ideas that drive our fundamental research into sustainable aviation. This is what we want and need.
Imagine trying out your own ideas in a real research lab for the first time at the age of 16. With us, that's possible. In our long-standing and successful research club, ChangING, students work on their own projects for up to four years, often achieving top rankings in the German youth science competition 'Jugend forscht.'
In 2023, we successfully launched our first Summer School with international PhD and Master’s students who were enthusiastic about both the online courses and the on-site research work within the Cluster of Excellence. The summer school was again successfully organised in 2024.
The SE²A International Female Programmes invite aspiring female engineers and young female scientists from all over the world to join the SE²A research network. Together, we work on advancing sustainable and climate-friendly aviation.
For us, equality, equal opportunities and diversity are as much a part of science as the research itself. Besides our ChangING Club for students, we offer specially developed programs for female scientists in the STEM field, showcasing the diversity at SE²A.
How can interdisciplinary collaboration be organised effectively? And what career paths are our former doctoral students pursuing? We consistently look 'beyond the science,' discovering new and exciting insights along the way.
Gone are the days of ivory towers. Today's research is open and shares its findings with interested audiences. Whether it is schoolchildren, prospective students, industry partners or the curious next door, we offer many formats to spark enthusiasm for our mission.
Cluster of Excellence SE²A –
Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
38108 Braunschweig
+49 531 391 66661