Who are you and what is your research topic?
Hello. My name is Gil Felix Greco and I have background in Acoustic Engineering, with a focus in computational simulations, aeroacoustics, and aircraft noise. My current research topic comprises the assessment of environmental noise due to aircraft operations.
Which research question(s) are you working on?
How aircraft will sound in the future? Will they be perceived as less or more annoying by communities living at the vicinities of airports? Are the metrics currently being employed able to quantify the human perception to aircraft noise? These are some of the exciting research questions which I am keen to investigate during my PhD studies.
What makes this topic special/exciting for you?
What drives me is the possibility to contribute to the society by helping engineers within the Cluster of Excellence SE2A to develop future aircraft concepts that will be not only sustainable in terms of energy consumption and gaseous emissions, but also more silent and less annoying.
Why is your topic relevant for future aviation?
The noise pollution caused by the air-traffic is a known cause of health problems and decrease in quality of life of citizens living near airports. Since the demand for air transport is likely to increase in the next years, being able to predict and assess the noise of future technologies can play an important role during the conceptual design of innovative airplanes with low-noise emission levels.
What is special about participating in the interdisciplinary research network SE²A?
The possibility to interact and learn from other engineering fields is very interesting as is possible to have a full picture on all the knowledge required to design an aircraft. At the same time, it is very challenging, as one should improve his communication skills in order to be able to exchange knowledge efficiently through different fields of expertise.
Cluster of Excellence SE²A –
Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
38108 Braunschweig
+49 531 391 66661