Science & Art Lab

Science & Art Lab

Duration: Pilot phase 2024/25

Commissioned by: President

Sponsors: Supported with funds from zukunft.niedersachsen, a funding program of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture and the Volkswagen Foundation, Stiftung Niedersachsen, Stiftung Braunschweigischer Kulturbesitz, Braunschweigische Stiftung

Cooperation partners: Braunschweig International Film Festival, others in consultation

Lab: Henrike Wenzel, Dr. Jule Hillgärtner, Julius Othmer (in development phase)

Science&Art Lab brings together cutting-edge research with art in their various forms of expression and media and inspires a dialog. The aim is to enable different approaches to research questions and an exchange between science, art, and the public.

Science&Art Lab is open to experiments, transfer thinking, new formats and ideas. Our aim is to give space to the dialog between art and science and to fill this space with life, with talks, exhibitions, screenings and other opportunities for encounters. We are convinced that this exchange will provide food for thought that is as well critical as enthusing, inspiring and community-building.

In 2024, the Science&Art Lab starts with a pilot phase.

This includes a film program with the Cluster of Excellence SE²A  (Sustainable and Energy Efficient Aviation) in cooperation with the Braunschweig International Film Festival (September 2024) as well as an artist residency planned for autumn 2024 and linked to the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers.

The call for applications for the residency is aimed internationally at artists who are particularly interested in the field of quantum research. The application deadline is June 9, 2024.

You can find the call here:

CALL via download link

Head: Dr. Jule Hillgärtner/Henrike Wenzel

Do you have any questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us:

Henrike Wenzel

Science & Art Lab
☎ + 49 531 391-14075